Oriented Object
JavaScript 2017

Brace yourself for
ES6+, Angular 2+ & TypeScript 2+

Loïc TRUCHOT - Janvier 2017  - Adneom Brussel

  1. Object Oriented Programmation: Basis
    • 0 & 1 -->   vars & funcs   -->   objects
    • universal factory of objects
    • about JavaScript ?
  2. ECMA Script 5 classes & objects
    • OOPs Oo  
    • THAT this
    • an emulated class
    • an emulated inheritance
  3. Ecma Script 6 classes & objects
    • use class & classes vocabulary
    • other tips for ES6
  4. TypeScript classes & objects
    •  first steps with typescript

Table of contents

1 - OOP Basis: 0 & 1

  • Aristotle to Wittgenstein: logical truth tables 
  • Flowcharts, CPU, algorithmic, langage, In/Out
  • transistors
  •  turing machine

1 - OOP Basis: langages

  • Store data in variables 
  • Store reusable procedures (aka functions)
  • Store subtrees of variables (aka hashtable or objects)
  • Ordering procedures
  • A subtree could become a "subprogram" with some stored procedures
  • Program: big tree of vars, and funcs that can use those vars

1 - OOP Basis: universal factory of objects 1/2

  • the scope of a subprogram object: this
  • Plato: idealism & class
  • variables becomes properties
  • an universal factory to create new object: the constructor
  • functions becomes methods
  • natural modularity, concept by concept

1 - OOP Basis: UFO 2/2

  • Specific vocabulary to indicate affordance and  avoid bad manipulation: public, protected, private, etc.
  • Inheritance: class could extends other class
  • Kant: abstract class &  methods to extend, interface to implement, overriding, overloading, etc.
  • Class methods and parameters with the static keyword

1 - OOP Basis: What about JavaScript

  • Sartre & materialism: "Existence precedes essence"
  • JS was'nt supposed to be OO: Oriented Prototype langage
  • Use object as prototypes for create new objects
  • JS became too popular
  • JS community created  OO patterns with ES5
  • ES6 includes shortcuts for those patterns

2 - OO ES5:  OOPs oO

  • Before ES6: only emulated classes
  • Everything is Object, despite fake "types": everything has methods & properties
  • Everything is an instanceof something 
  • It stays fake classes: in fact, clone of object with a this and prototypes

2 - OO ES5:  THAT this

  • confusing this
  • bind this and arrow functions
  • call this
  • bootstrap this with new
  • this in objects
  • this in functions

2 - OO ES5:  emule class

  • One class, one scope
  •  constructor ?
  •  public properties ?
  •  public methods ?
  •  public & static ?
  •  private props & methods ?
  •  private static ?

2 - OO ES5:  inheritance

  •  equivalent of extends
  •  equivalent of super
  •  what a mess...

3 - OO ES6: use class

  •  ...but a lot more simplier
  •  and extends sounds so good....
  •  a shortcut...
  • exept the lack of OO vocabulary & concepts




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