Scientific Knowledge

Gabriel Dal-Ri, João Chagas, Luan Vick

 scientific knowledge 

"To what extent is


The Scientific Method

"A method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses."

New Oxford American Dictionary, 2013

Oxford Press



"To what extent is scientific knowledge definitive?"

Biogenesis or Abiogenesis

"To what extent is scientific knowledge definitive?"

Spontaneous Generation

Organisms could develop and be born from non living matter, such as cheese or meat (mice and maggots). Theories related to the scientific method have been created for many centuries until a "final" theory was achieved by Louis Pasteur.  (Encyclopaedia Britannica)

Francesco Redi

Meat in two jars

One covered, another open

Check after some days

John Needham

Boiled broth

Seal the container

Check after some days

Lazzaro Spallanzani

Reviewed previous experiments

Broth in two bottles

Boiled it, sealed one

Check after some days

Louis Pasteur

Nutrient enriched broth

Downwards swan-neck

Boiled it

Check after a year

Check list

Based on the scientific method and on reason

Used mainly Sense Perception, amongst others

Were considered true by someone for a period of time

"To what extent is scientific knowledge definitive?"

The Atomic Model

"To what extent is scientific knowledge definitive?"

  1. Atom: the smallest thing in the universe;
  2. Electrons: the smallest thing in the universe;
  3. Protons and neutrons: not the smallest things in the universe, but they are there too;
  4. Quarks: the smallest thing in the universe -- really.

Check list

"To what extent is scientific knowledge definitive?"



"To what extent is scientific knowledge definitive?"

Social Darwinism


  • Racism
  • Xenofobia
  • Deaths







  • Definitive because it relies on the scientific method, rational logic


  • Has many theories that were invalid, even if they followed the scientific method
  • Also relies on models and research to prove its claims, similar to the scientific method
  • Human nature is very unpredictable, thus results can vary greatly

"To what extent is scientific knowledge definitive?"


"To what extent is scientific knowledge definitive?"


By Luan Mateus Vick