Develop your QGIS plugin

Licencia (CC BY-SA 3.0)

III QGIS User Conference
7 August 2017 - Nødebo

Luigi Pirelli


PyQGIS Develop your QGIS plugin Licencia ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) III QGIS User Conference 7 August 2017 - Nødebo Luigi Pirelli @Ginetto

QGIS User Conf: PyQGIS - Develop your QGIS plugin

By Luigi Pirelli

QGIS User Conf: PyQGIS - Develop your QGIS plugin

Training to introduce in the QGIS Plugin development in Python using PyQGIS. Topics are: • Really short introduction into python (if necessary) and Class concept • Orienteering inside community resources for problem solving • How to configure a Development and debug environment • Introduction to PyQGIS, example to manage raster and vectors • How to run processing toolbox algorithm and integrate new ones • Anatomy of a QGIS plugin • Write simple plugin • Tips&Tricks to develop a plugin compatible with QGIS3 and QGIS2 Training condition: – Training duration would be of 4h – Would facilitate to do it on OSGeoLive latest version + dev tools e.g * 10.5 => QGIS 2.14 * (if available in august) 11 => QGIS 2.18 QGIS version is not critical for this training. Training can be done also not on OSgeoLIve platform leaving attenders to choose platform. In that case it’s necessary to have QGIS already installed + some dev tools. – Would speedup training a attender selection with a basic python knowledge, but it’s not strictly necessary

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