How to process PointClouds in QGIS Processing
Licencia (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Geopcamp ES 2018
20 October 2018 - Madrid

Who am I
15 years working on Satellite Ground Segments for
Landsat, Cryosat, MODIS, Sentinel...
Since 2006 in QGIS/GRASS
QGIS Core developer
and Plugin developer/trainer
Founder of GFOSS.it
Italian OSGEO Local Chapter
Founder of QGIS.es
Spanish QGIS user group
Coautor of "Mastering QGIS"

QGIS Python Programming Cookbook

PDAL Strongest Features
Why is better than LAStools and Whitebox
- Completly GFOSS (BSD permissive Licence)
- C++ API (https://pdal.io/api/index.html)
- Basic Python Bindings (https://pypi.org/project/PDAL)
- Extensibility with Python, PCL and Matlab (https://pdal.io/stages/filters.html#languages)
- Many Readers/Writers (GDAL/OGR, PGPointClound, Entwine, Numpy...)
- Many basic building block glued in pipelines
PDAL Weakest Features
Why is in some cases you still need LAStools and Whitebox
- 1 core only (paralelization via scripting)
- No native GPU acceleration (BTW can be used in python/numpy filters)
Why PDALtools
QGIS Processing integration
Backend chaining
- LAStools or WhiteBox
- Automatic GUI generation
- Integration if a full featured GIS as QGIS

!!! #ShowMeTheCode !!!
Here when any leecher falls
( sanguijuelas ;-)
QUIZ Time 1
In a LAS file what could be the ScanAngle of the horizont?
QUIZ Time 2
The sun affects scan intesity
Yes? No?
Demo from GeoMove...

Hire a QGIS Core Developer
Luigi Pirelli
Licence: (CC BY-SA 3.0)
PDAL PointCloud analisys in QGIS Processing
By Luigi Pirelli
PDAL PointCloud analisys in QGIS Processing
Example how to use PDALtools in the QGIS Processing toolbox
- 2,625