DS&AI Education Local Interest Group
4th meeting
Luisa Cutillo, School of Mathematics
27th March 2023
Agenda | Speaker | Time |
Intro and announcements | Luisa Cutillo | 14:00 - 14:10 |
New member introductions | Barbara Summers, LUBS | 14:10 - 14:15 |
New member introductions | Xingjie Wei, LUBS | 14:15 - 14:20 |
Follow up on previous topic discussion (Interdisciplinary projects) + Intro to Teaching Resources | Luisa Cutillo | 14:20 - 14:25 |
Collaborative exercise - Breakout rooms | Facilitators: Paul Baxter, LIDA - Ayesha Magill, ATI - Luisa Cutillo, SoM | 14:25 - 14:50 |
Reflections, discussions and Q&A | Everyone | 14:50 - 15:00 |
Intro and Overview
Check out updates on our Team - DS&AI Education Local Interest Group
Sharing efforts, resources and ideas
Define actions
- Our reference group: Turing Data science education study group
!!!New Training!!! Advertisement, 2023: DS&AI Educators 12 weeks Training Programme
- Training Planning LIDA-LITE: DS&AI Educators workshop (likely last week of September/1st week of October)
Let's discuss today what we want to learn and practice on!
Welcome to our new members & guests! (~20)
Looking forward to find out more!
Next Speaker
Professor Barbara Summers
Leeds University Business School
Next Speaker
Professor Xingjie Wei
Leeds University Business School
Roy Ruddle shared a document (see Resources->Meetings Discussions) in out Team to summarise the discussions and next steps.
Today's topics:
- Intedisciplinary (alias Cross-Disciplinary) MSc Projects
- Teaching resources (for educators)
- Workshop planning topics
Last meeting topic: interdisciplinary projects
Last meeting topic: interdisciplinary projects
Git Hub Private Repository:
Collaborative exercise:
Facilitators: Paul Baxter, LIDA - Ayesha Magill, ATI - Luisa Cutillo, SoM
4th meeting - DS&AI education LIG UoL
By Luisa Cutillo
4th meeting - DS&AI education LIG UoL
My discussion talk about Networks at Northenbug 6 meeting
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