On the Use of Second Order Stochastic Information

for Learning Deep Artificial Neural Network

Presentation Overview

  1. State of the intelligence

  2. Deep Artificial Neural Networks

  3. The promises of second order methods

  4. Conclusion

State of the intelligence


The breakthrough of Deep Artificial Neural Networks




drug effectiveness | particle acceleration |brain circuit reconstruction | predicting DNA mutation effects | topic classification |

sentiment analysis | question answering | video processing | creative computing | language translation | time series analysis


Watson competed on Jeopardy! against former winners Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings Watson received the first place prize of $1 million.















Historical top5 precision of the annual winner of  the ImageNet challenge


Alphago The first computer program to ever beat a professional player at the game of Go


The ConceptNet 4 system has been put through a verbal IQ test, getting a score that is seen as “average for a four-year-old child”.

Poem 1

And lying sleeping on an open bed.
And I remember having started tripping,
Or any angel hanging overhead,
Without another cup of coffee dripping.

Surrounded by a pretty little sergeant,
Another morning at an early crawl.
And from the other side of my apartment,
An empty room behind the inner wall.

Poem 2

A green nub pushes up from moist, dark soil.
Three weeks without stirring, now without strife
From the unknown depths of a thumbpot life
In patient rhythm slides forth without turmoil,
A tiny green thing poking through its sheath.
Shall I see the world? Yes, it is bright.
Silent and slow it stretches for the light
And opens, uncurling, above and beneath.

Who is the human?


the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race

- Stephen Hawking


the development of Video-to-video Synthesis now perfect replications can be created of individuals in videos

Deep Artificial Neural Networks

Where learnability comes from?











Deep learning methods are representation-learning methods with multiple levels of representation


Composition of several layers can learn very complex functions efficiently

Example architecture: LSTM


The problem is that they are very difficult to train:


  • Non linear
  • Non convex



The tool of choice for training is stochastic gradient descent which misbehaves under scenarios with high non linearities

Stochastic gradient descent

w_{k+1} = w_k - \alpha\nabla l(h(x_i, w_k))

Under some regularity assumptions, the best we can expect is sub linear convergence:


Best case scenario

\mathbb{E}[F(w_k)- F(w^*)] \leq \frac{\hat{\alpha}LM}{2c\mu} + (1-\hat{\alpha})^{k-1}\Big(F(w_1)-F(w^*)-\frac{\hat{\alpha} LM}{2c\mu}\Big)

In an online scenario:


Best case scenario

regret_T \leq \frac{3}{2}GD\sqrt{T}

The promises of second order methods

Second order methods

w_{k+1} = w_k - \alpha H_{(|S|_k)} \frac{1}{|X|_k}\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{|X|_k}\nabla l(h_{w_k})
|S|_k\leq |X|_k

Under some regularity assumptions, the best we can expect is super linear - quadratic convergence:


Best case scenario

|X_k| \geq |X_0|\eta_k^k;\quad |X_0|\geq\bigg(\frac{6v\gamma M}{\hat{\mu}^2}\bigg), \eta_k > \eta_{k-1}, \eta_k \rightarrow\infty, \eta_1>1
|S_k| > |S_{k-1}|;\quad \displaystyle\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}|S_k|=\infty; \quad |S_0|\geq\bigg(\frac{4\sigma}{\hat{\mu}}\bigg)^2
\|w_0-w^*\|\leq\frac{\hat{\mu}}{3\gamma M}
\mathbb{E}[|w_k - w^*|]\leq\tau_k\quad\quad\displaystyle\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}\frac{\tau_{k+1}}{\tau_k}\rightarrow 0

In an online scenario regret grows O(log(T)):


Best case scenario

\gamma = \frac{1}{2}\min\{\frac{1}{4GD}, \alpha\}, \epsilon = \frac{1}{\gamma^2 D^2}
regret_T \leq 5(\frac{1}{\alpha}+ GD)n\log(T)

The multiple advantages of second order methods:


  • Faster convergence rate

  • Embarrassingly parallel

  • Take into consideration curvature information

  • Ideal for highly varying functions

  • Higher per iteration cost


  • Martens is the first to successfully train a deep convolutional neural network with L-BFGS.

  • Sutskever successfully trains a recurrent neural network with a generalized Gauss-Newton algorithm

  • Bengio achieves state of the art results training recurrent networks with second order methods


Second Order Methods for

By Luis Roman

Second Order Methods for

  • 1,126