Modern Markup Languages

(aka PB138)



2 hours lecture (weekly)

1 hour lab (weekly)


Attendance in both is voluntary

How to get points

Every finished lab is 1 point. 12 points in total.

48 points per team project.

40 points per final exam.


You need 70 points to pass.


We will cover topics according to agenda.

In every session we will discuss theory related to one particular markup language and after that we will go through its practical usage.


In labs we will exercise topics covered in lectures. We will cover project development from start to deployment.

Labs are consequential. That means you must complete previous to be able to finish next one.

Points are granted when you finish the assignment. You don’t have to attend the lab but you have to send the result to the teacher.


Project will touch all topics that will be discussed in subject. Assessment will published during mid-semester.

You will have to develop backend, frontend and deploy containers. 

Project is done in teams of maximum 4 people. Smaller teams are also possible but you will have to handle more work.

Final exam

In final exam you will create small project from start to end. You should already have some practice in that from labs and team project.


Good luck and enjoy PB138!


By Lukáš Grolig


  • 314