PB138: ERD and XPath

Let's start with ERD

Entity-relationship digram

  • captures relations between entities in the system
  • requires analytical thinking and some experience
  • suggested reading: domain driven design (about OO system design)

Note: there are different forms of ERD but nowadays most are based on Class Diagram


for our lessons we will use PlanUML


' hide the spot
hide circle

' avoid problems with angled crows feet
skinparam linetype ortho

entity "Entity01" as e01 {
  *e1_id : number <<generated>>
  *name : text
  description : text

entity "Entity02" as e02 {
  *e2_id : number <<generated>>
  *e1_id : number <<FK>>
  other_details : text

e01 ||..o{ e02



install by

choco install plantuml
brew install plantuml



entity Entity01 {
  * identifying_attribute
  * mandatory_attribute

Entity names are:

  • singular
  • pascal cased


 Attribute names:

  • snake cased


  • ring and dash → minimum zero, maximum one (optional)

  • dash and dash → minimum one, maximum one (mandatory)

  • ring and crow's foot → minimum zero, maximum many (opt)

  • dash and crow's foot → minimum one, maximum many (m)

Entity01 }|..|| Entity02
Entity03 }o..o| Entity04
Entity05 ||--o{ Entity06
Entity07 |o--|| Entity08

Relation 1:N

one to many

foreign key placed on many side

Relation M:N

many to many

there is a binding table with foreign keys pointing to both tables

someone create a composite primary key in the binding table

better is to put there auto generated key

Let's practice it

Test data

generate test data using Mockaroo


is used to select the right elements.

We will use it later in XSLT


child::book Selects all book nodes that are children of the current node
attribute::lang Selects the lang attribute of the current node
child::* Selects all element children of the current node
attribute::* Selects all attributes of the current node
child::text() Selects all text node children of the current node
child::node() Selects all children of the current node
descendant::book Selects all book descendants of the current node
ancestor::book Selects all book ancestors of the current node
ancestor-or-self::book Selects all book ancestors of the current node - and the current as well if it is a book node
child::*/child::price Selects all price grandchildren of the current node





Ok, that's it for today

PB138: Erd and XPath

By Lukáš Grolig

PB138: Erd and XPath

  • 500