Leveraging Serverless Architecture
To Gently Break Apart Your Monolith
Linda Nichols
Virginia Beach, VA
The Monolith
The Monolith
Performs all tasks
Not modular
Legacy technology
On-premises/On a Mainframe
Expensive to host/maintain
The Monolith
The Monolith?
The Monolith Onion
Long-lasting, yet perishable
Contains many layers
Difficult to modularize
Messy when applied directly to bare metal
There can be a "smell"
The Monolith Onion
The Monolith Onion
BREAKING APART the monolith
Separate the application tiers
Create microservices
Upgrade legacy technology
Re-write application code
Move to "the cloud"
refactoring is expensive
legacy stays legacy
Patching is cheap.
works "just fine" now.
containers, containers, containers...
breaking apart the monolith
what is serverless
Serverless Architecture is an event-driven system that uses remote functions (via a BaaS or a FaaS product) without concern for the operations of the containers that execute the code.
Example: AWS with Aws Lambda
serverless functions
No Ops required*
Developers focus on code
Triggered by internal or external events
Built-in API Gateway
Costs nearly nothing
serverless functions
serverless functions
'use strict';
const catNames = require('cat-names');
function getCatName(event, context, callback) {
callback(null, { payload: `Your cat name is ${catNames.random()}.` });
Functions are microservices
Responsible for one specific task
Lightweight and fast
Deployed independently
Not dependent on other services
gently break apart the monolith
Look for functionality that has the fewest dependencies executable by an event:
Cron jobs
Background services
Calls to APIs
Maintenance scripts
Message bus
break off serverless microservices
break off serverless microservices
As more functionality is removed, less compute power is needed for the monolith. Re-engineering a small core is now more manageable and less expensive.
Modernization doesn’t have to be a one-time effort.
Serverless architecture facilitates gradual changes and results in a more immediate reduction in complexity and cost.
Thank You!
Photo Credit
Leveraging Serverless Architecture to Gently Break Apart Your Monolith
By Linda Nichols
Leveraging Serverless Architecture to Gently Break Apart Your Monolith
6/23 DCFullStack Summit
- 1,392