Serverless Architecture

A Love Story!

Linda Nichols




Today you're going to fall in love with Serverless Architecture...

But first, you have to break-up with your servers.


This story has all of the pieces of a typical romance:

  • Break-ups and decoupling

  • Commitment (and no-commitment)

  • Highly cohesive relationships

  • High availability and dedication

  • Support and growth 

But first, what is "serverless"* architecture?


* "Serverless" is just a catchy, made-up, marketing term.

(Kind of like, "Cloud")


Serverless Architecture?

It isn't about a platform or compute product...


Serverless Architecture?

It's about the events!


Serverless Architecture?

Serverless Architecture is an event-driven system that uses remote functions (likely via a a FaaS product) without concern for the operations of the containers that execute the code.


Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS)

Stateless functions running in execution environments managed by a service provider (not you!).

Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS)

  • Building block of Serverless Architecture

  • Stateless and ephemeral

  • Functions run in managed execution environments

  • Removes the complexity of building your own infrastructure

  • You only pay for functions when you use them


Your code could be completely free...


Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS)


AWS Lambda

Most popular kid in school


Azure Functions

The Developer's Favorite


IBM Cloud Functions

They do really mean open


Google Cloud Functions

Finally in GA!

Serverless Architecture

  • Storage

  • IoT

  • Database Actions

  • API Gateway

  • Queues and Topics

  • Logging


Functions can be triggered by other cloud services

Functions are Microservices

  • Responsible for one specific task

  • Lightweight and fast

  • Reusable

  • Deployed independently

  • Not dependent on other services

  • Work together to power applications


Did someone say decoupling?


Serverless Architecture


Your perfect match!

Serverless Architecture

  • Dedicated

  • Flexible

  • Supportive

  • Resilient

  • Growth potential

  • Speaks many languages!

What if I'm scared of commitment?


The cloud platforms do have analogous services...

Relationship Counseling


Embrace frameworks!

Serverless Framework:

  • Open-source

  • Abstracts provider-specific tasks

  • Multi-provider plugin system

  • Scaffold and deploy using CLI


Get started.

# Install serverless cli
$ npm install serverless -g

# Create AWS Service
$ serverless create --template aws-nodejs --path cat-name-service

# Change into the service directory
$ cd cat-name-service

# Deploy to cloud provider
$ serverless deploy -v

Configure Service and Events.


service: cat-name-service

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs6.10

    handler: handler.getCatName

      - http:
          path: cats/name
          method: get

Create Handler.

'use strict';

const catNames = require('cat-names');

function getCatName(event, context, callback) {
    callback(null, { payload: `Your cat name is ${catNames.random()}.` });

module.exports = getCatName;

(then package and/or deploy it!)

'use strict';

const catNames = require('cat-names');
const AmazonDb = require('amazon-db-module');

function getCatName(event, context, callback) {
    const amazonDb = new AmazonDb();
    const catName = catNames.random();
    callback(null, { payload: `Your cat name is ${catName}.` });

module.exports = getCatName;
'use strict';

const catNames = require('cat-names');
const GoogleDb = require('google-db-module');

function getCatName(request, response) {
    const googleDb = new GoogleDb();
    const catName = catNames.random();
    return response.status(200).send(`Your cat name is ${catName}.`); 

module.exports = getCatName;

But what about the events?


Cloud Events

a specification for describing event data in a common way

Audience Participation!

Mention @thesecatstweet in a tweet with the hashtag #valentinebot

Demo Time!


Thank You!


Serverless Architecture: A Love Story

By Linda Nichols

Serverless Architecture: A Love Story

A love story about Serverless Architecture.

  • 1,219