Serverless Architecture:

Choose Your Adventure. 
Cloud Platform. 


  • Software Developer @ ETA
  • Likes JavaScript
  • Really likes robots
  • Loves cats
  • @lynnaloo on the internet

When someone says "Serverless"* ...

* Serverless is catchy, made-up term

They don't mean

But they're usually referring to:

AWS Lambda

But they're usually referring to:

IBM OpenWisk

But they're usually referring to:

Azure Functions

But they're usually referring to:

Google CloudFunctions

"Serverless" Functions

  • Stateless functions in separate containers
  • Each major cloud platform now has a FaaS product
  • You only pay when the function is invoked
  • Supports most major languages: Node.js, Python, C#, Swift
'use strict';

const catNames = require('cat-names');

function getCatName(params) {
    return { payload: `Your cat name is ${catNames.random()}.` };    

'use strict';

const catNames = require('cat-names');

function getCatName(event, context, callback) {
    callback(null, { payload: `Your cat name is ${catNames.random()}.` });




Serverless Architecture

However, Serverless Architecture isn't really defined by a platform or a compute product. 
(because what about Firebase, container platform, serverless databases, etc)

Serverless Architecture

It's all about the events!

Serverless Architecture

It's all about the events!

Getting Started

Pick a project, pick a cloud, [pick your tools].

Getting Started

But since most platforms have similar products... 
There isn't as much commitment. 

Embrace Frameworks

  • Abstracts and automates platform-specific tasks
  • Open-source
  • Written in Node.js

Demo Time!

Serverless Architecture

By Linda Nichols

Serverless Architecture

Norfolk.js 6/18 Talk about Serverless Framework

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