Nurturing sustainable futures

There is no form of educational delivery more cost-effective, scalable and sustainable than open education

Let's begin ...

Yellow ballon by harxtec dedicated to the public domain under Creative Commons CC0

Defining OER


Gift by blickpixel dedicated to the Public Domain under Creative Commons CC0 

Open Educational Resources (OERs) are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions.


Education | Public good

UNESCO Recommendation on OER


Build capacity to find, re-use, create and share OER

Develop supportive policy

Ensure inclusive and equitable access to quality OER

Nurture the creation of sustainability models for OER

Facilitate international co-operation

GOVT MONITORING - (Normative instrument)

Strategies to monitor educational effectiveness and long-term financial efficiency






History is important

Clock by Free-Photos (Pixabay License)

A world leader in open licensing

17 August 2007

Creative Commons by Franz Patzig license under Creative Commons Attibution

1st NZ institutional signatory

May 2008

Table Mountain by Flashpacker Travelguidelicense under CC-BY-SA

OERF comes to Dunedin


17 Sept 2009

Dunedin Railway Station  by Bernard Spragg dedicated to the public domain

We're celebrating ...



10 years of sustainable education

OERu: Our flagship project

Building and clouds by MichaelGaida dedicated to the Public Domain under Creative Commons CC0

Unsatisfied demand for HE

 100 Million additional places by 2025

Crowd by James Cridland licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

BIG vision for a small charity

But what if ...

Institutions assembled only 2 courses from OER

Agreed to provide assessment services for formal credit?

OERu - Flagship initiative


International social innovation partnership

Global sharing - Affordable learning






Transnational Micro-credentialing

Role of the project manager

Initiating a project

Planning a project

Executing and closing a project

Introduction to project management

CertHE Business

Transcript credit

Green paint by JTPatriot dedicated to the public domain under Creative Commons CC0

Sustainable education


Conservation light bulb by Alexas Fotos dedicated to the Public Domain under Creative Commons CC0

Strategic tensions





Open collaboration


If you don't have a seat at the table, you're probably on the menu

Higher level support?

"On the part of rich countries there is excessive zeal for protecting knowledge through unduly rigid assertion of the right to intellectual property ..."

Pope Benedect XVI

Combined with the UNESCO Recommendation  ....


we now have God and Governments on OER side :-)


A better world through open education

By Wayne Mackintosh

A better world through open education

Opening remarks for the COEP national symposium on open education.

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