Our story with Meteor

Maciej Stasieluk

22 October 2020


- who are we?

Software development company with over 12 years on the market.


We are focusing on start-ups, scale-ups, and innovative projects.


Currently around 40 people
with almost 30 being developers.


Based in Poland, EU.

Our journey with Meteor

1.0 and Meteor Day

Giving back to the community

Meteor Meetups

Spreading the word

Free bootcamps

Atmosphere packages


Check out "Schema? Form! Meet uniforms!" talk tomorrow at Meteor Impact 2020
or visit uniforms.tools

with Meteor



  • Live on production for 5 years now
  • Meteor since day 1
  • Lots of changes since then, without "stopping the world"
  • CI/CD with frequent deploys
  • Always up to date with Meteor
  • Public REST and GraphQL APIs
  • Works and scales pretty well under high traffic (Galaxy FTW!)



  • Meteor since day 1
  • Cordova + web
  • Enterprise-heavy
  • Advanced forms
  • Lots of integrations
  • AI and ML features
  • Always up to date with Meteor

...and many more


  • Scaling, optimization,
    and performance issues
  • Help with the launch
    and going live
  • Modernize old apps:
    upgrades and refactors
  • Tech audits and code reviews

Key takeaway:

We never dropped Meteor from an actively developed project.

There was no need for doing so.

How we can help you?

Learn more and feel free to contact us at:

How can you help us?

Plans for

the future

Q & A

Thank you for your attention!

Learn more at vazco.eu/meteor

Vazco - our story with Meteor

By Maciej

Vazco - our story with Meteor

Slides for the talk given at Meteor Impact 2020 conference. Learn more at https://www.vazco.eu/meteor

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