
Located in Southern Africa
Botswana's Economy
$16,400 (2013 est)
Per Capita GDP
2,155,784 (July 2014)

Labour Force
1.308 Mill (61% aprox)
Botswana's People
Life Expectancy
Male: 55.75 (Years)
Female: 52.32 (Years)
Total Pop: 54.06 (Years)
Literacy Rate
Male: 84.6 (%)
Female: 85.6 (%)
Total Pop: 85.1 (%)
Fertility Rate
2.37 Children Per Woman
Infant mortality Rate
Botswana's Culture
Botswana National ANTHEM
- Christian (71.6%)
- Badimo (6%)
- Other (1.4%)
- Unspecified (0.4%)
- None (20.6%)
- Setswana (78.2%)
- Kalanga (11%)
- Sekgalagadi (2.8%)
- English - Official (2.1%)
- Other (8.6%)
- Unspecified (0.4%)
Seswaa - Official Dish of Botswana
Beef/lamb/goat meat boiled with seasonings. Served shredded or pounded alongside Pap (a porridge) or Sorghum (a plant).
1. Pre heat oven to 160 degrees celcius. Cut meat into large chunks then brown in a dish suitable for slow cooking in the oven, I used a cast iron casserole dish.
2. Add whole peeled onion, salt, cracked black pepper, water and leaves. Bring to the boil then cover and place into the oven for 4 hours.
3. After 4 hours, remove from oven and place onto stove burner in order to cook off remaining liquid. Use a wooden spoon to pound or mash up the meat, the meat should fall apart quite easily. and will appear shredded. You may brown the meat further if desired.
4. Check seasoning then serve with polenta or the more traditional pap (sadza/thick corn meal porridge) and a side of green vegetables.
- Serves four
- 800g slow cooking beef
- 1 whole onion (optional)
- 3 bay leaves
- Salt to taste
- Black pepper (optional)
Indigenous Art Forms
- Basket Weaving
- Pottery
- Weaving
- Beadwork
- Woodcarving
- Leather Crafts
- Ironmongery
- Music
- Folk Lore
- Food Dishes

A Herero Dress

- New Years Day
- World Wetlands Day
- Maitisong Festival
- Maun Festival
- Tjilenje Festival
- Toyota 1000 Desert Race
- Presidents Day
- Kuru Dance Festival
- Botswana Day
- Festive Season
Celebrations In Botswana
Botswana's Landscape

Capital - Gaborone
- Population of 231,592
Total Land Mass
- 600,370Km(sq)
Kalahari Desert pushes residences to the east.
Land Use
- .45% Total land Arable
Main Industries
- Diamonds
- Copper
- Nickel
- Salt
- Soda Ash
- Potash
- Livestock Processing
- Textiles
Population Density
3.5 (Km sq) - 2010
3.1 (Km sq) - 2000
2.4 (Km sq) - 1990
1,400 (Km sq) - 2011

Rainy season (Summer) - erratic/regional
Hot/Dry majority of year
Seasoned country
By mailtelenko
A short presentation on Botswana for grade 8 geography.
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