For what purposes are social media accounts bought?

For many years, social networks have been used as platforms for promoting business and selling products, having ceased to be a place for ordinary communication between people with similar interests. There is nothing surprising in this - when an ecosystem is formed, its members begin to involuntarily share information about the purchased goods, talk about earning schemes. Ultimately, this leads to building your own online business. We shouldn't forget - the developers of social networks are also starting to make money on their users by offering them various kinds of services as Usually, the earnings of members of a social network begins with the creation of a thematic public or community, and the amount of income directly depends on the number of their members. Currently, you can buy FB accounts with friends without the slightest problems, however, like any other social network. But, we are interested in who purchases accounts and for what purposes.

Why buy accounts

There are a large number of social networks, but the most in demand at the present time are FB, Instagram. Each of them has its own characteristics, but the very principle of functioning is practically the same - people exchange posts, the network advertises goods, and its members organize the sale of their products.

So, it is advisable to buy social media accounts for the following purposes:

·         Dishonest methods of monetization - spam, comments on posts in promoted groups, mass-like (putting likes to attract attention to your page), sending various notifications and other spam options, taking into account the specifics of a particular social network.

·         Work is being done to structure data, monitor specific pages, or to simplify routine work. For example, autoresponder bots are written.

To increase traffic to the main site. Recently, search engines have begun to rank sites in the SERP based on social signals. This means that the more visits are made from the accounts of different users, the more significant the resource is, and the search engines increase it in the search results. A large number of purchased accounts makes it possible to "spread" information in a short time and thus increase the flow of real people to the promoted site.

Before buying accounts, you need to clearly understand why you need it and what results you want to achieve. Develop a marketing plan and start implementing it in stages.

For spamming, massliking and masslucking - all these actions require social media accounts. The most important buyers of accounts are just the same spammers. They always buy ready-made accounts in large quantities.

In addition to these purposes, accounts can be bought to get free traffic or to automate the promotion of likes, subscribers and other things.

Usually, two types of accounts are put up for sale: active (activated) and inactive (or inactive). Active accounts are accounts that are considered accounts of real people. Such pages appear either by hacking someone's personal accounts, or it is created and developed specifically so that it can be sold in the future. Hacked pages are called fake or fake pages. Activated accounts are more expensive than non-activated ones and, of course, are in great demand.

Inactive or inactive accounts are regular bots with blank pages. On these pages you will not find any posts, posts, or anything else. Such accounts are usually bought for spamming or promotion.

For what purposes are social media accounts bought?

By malkolmmark

For what purposes are social media accounts bought?

For what purposes are social media accounts bought?

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