Q3. Which Media Institution Would Distribute Your Product?


I would choose Universal Studios/Pictures to distribute "The Aberration" because they have released a string of commercially successful thriller/mystery films such as:

Psycho (1960)

Bourne Trilogy (2002-2007

The Strangers (2008)

The Purge Duology (2013-2014)






Another key factor is that Universal Studios/Pictures understands the importance of marketing and they know how to market a film in a way that everyone will want to watch it. This is evident in the movie "The Purge".

The Purge was the talk of the timelines on Twitter during it's initial marketing stages with hashtags such as #WhatWouldYouDo and #SurviveThenNight trending.

It wasn't just Twitter that was used to market the movie, they used other social networks too such as Facebook and Tumblr. Even creating a digital "cinemosaic" poster which trended on Tumblr for quite a long period of time.


Connecting with the audience through the use of social media allowed for the audience to become more and more engaged with the movie, which is what I hope to do for my movie too.

They had also won an award at the 6th Annual Shorty Awards for "Best Use of Animated GIFs" with the digital poster that I mentioned before. 


Having Universal Studios release the movie would be a wise choice because they are a conglomerate and are therefore much more powerful in the movie industry because of all the profit they make from releasing yearly blockbusters.

January 11th 2015

I will release my movie on January 15th because January is a particularly quiet time of the year (just after Christmas season).

I also chose to release it in January because it is just a month before awards season start and because my movie is not a blockbuster and is more of a psychological thriller that actually requires thinking to understand the plot/concept, I hope to win awards which will also act as a form of marketing for the movie.


By Manh


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