Images and Colours

The only colour used on the website is white (white text and white icons), which contrasts the background very well:

The imagery and colours used in this website are very well thought out as the only image we see is the background image which is of pink clouds in a blue sky. Being "up in the clouds" heavily correlates with Doja Cat's new single "So High" as both are phrases used to describe being on drugs. Delving deeper into the imagery, the pink clouds have relations with being"out of touch with reality" which is anothr way of describing being on drugs (relating to her current single). Adding to that, the vibrant blue skies could be related to drugs also as it is commonly known as the street name of crystal meth (breaking bad reference) again relating to her single "So High".

Colour psychology tells us that the colour white has connotations of being peaceful which is an accurate description of Doja Cat's style of music (examples to listen to include: So High, Nunchucks and No Police).

Navigation and Pages

The website features one page only which makes it easy for the viewer as all the information they would need is on the one page and they only need to scroll up and down.

Structure and Interactive Content

The website feels very compact as we do not have the option to scroll left or right which in my opinion is a good thing as it saves us time. The website uses a three column design:

Using a 3 column design means that more content can fit on the one screen at a single time which is needed because the website only has one page. The social media links are placed at the top left hand side so it is one of the first things we will see. This encourages us to have a look at her social media profiles which makes it feel as if we are getting to know her more increasing the likelihood of us buying her music.

The social media icons are in white similarly the rest of the text on the website (consistency). The website is very multimedia heavy to the point that the only actual textual information we see is the contact information in the footer and the her name in the header! There is no avoiding her social media as the majority of the website is her social medias ranging from soundcloud to twitter:

At the top of the website we see her music videos for her currently promoted single "So High" along with an "Unplugged" version of the song for fans to watch. Placing the music videos at the upper end of the website before social media content is smart as the main purpose of her website is to promote her single! I will take into consideration the structuring of my website to decide whether I will have one page only or multiple separate pages.

By Manh

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