The background is a tile effect of pink roses. The pink roses may signify love or her feminine qualities. The background has a very vintage look/effect to it which may indicate SZA's visual style. The use of imagery and colours are very important and I will take into consideration this when creating my website.

SZA's website is a customised Tumblr blog. Her website/blog has a very personal feel to it as all the content we see on the homepage are things that SZA has "liked" or "reblogged". Her logo "See.SZA.Run" is also a link back to the home page which is an element I would like to incorporate into my website when I create it.

Images and Colours

Navigation and Pages

Navigation is made very easy as the navigation bar is at the top of the page (a convention of websites in general not just music websites). The navigation bar reveals 7 links, 5 of which are pages on the site and 2 which are links to her other social medias (Twitter and Facebook). 

Structure and Interactive Content

Her homepage uses a 3 column design showcasing everything she has liked or reblogged, because she is an up-and-coming artist and isn't too well known her purpose for her website may be different to mainstream artists as she may be trying to get more personal with her fans hence all the photos on the homepage and no sign of promoting an album or single whereas a more mainstream artist's website would be littered with information about new album/single.

Her other 4 pages use a 1 column design which makes the website look and feel very compact. The 5 pages are: "Home", "Ask", "Music", "Videos" and "Tour Dates". The homepage contains an "endless" scrolling feature that shows content that she has liked or reblogged. Her Ask page allows the audience to interact with her even  more as they are given an option to ask her questions which she will reply to.

Her website is very heavy with social media content as the music page contains music from her Soundcloud page, her videos page contains music videos from her Youtube page and her navigation bar contains a Twitter and Facebook link which redirects the user to her Twitter and Facebook pages. 







Her Tour Dates page contains information regarding upcoming tours for her fans to buy tickets.

By Manh

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