

and Me.

Goffman's Theory of Self-Presentation and Me

Can I apply Goffman to me?

1. Persona:

  • "In life we play many parts/roles" this can definitely be applied to me as I play the role of a son, an uncle, a student and many other roles. 
  • "Fashion makes us actors" this can be applied to me as wearing different type of clothes can put me in a new mindset or "role" e.g. Suit for school = Smart, Casual for outings = Teenager .


Gergen and Gergen's Theory of Self Maintenance and Me

Can I apply Gergen and Gergen's theory to me?

  • Belittling evidence/Disbelieve, I do this most of the time when detractors give me negative feedback on me as a person or my actions for example when I show people my drawings and they don't like it, I just dismiss what they say.
  • Associating with others with a similar mindset, I always associate with those who watch the same TV shows as me because they can relate to what I am saying.
  • Turn the negative into a positive, whenever I cannot belittle evidence I just try to flip the negative into a positive for example if someone doesn't like my art then it makes me realise that maybe this type of art isn't for them or maybe I am not particularly good at this type of art.
  • Form a low opinion of the detractor, whenever I cannot belittle evidence another alternative is to form a low opinion of the detractor, this in turn makes me disassociate myself with them so that their opinion doesn't matter to me. 

Can I apply Goffman to me?

2. Performance:

  • I put up a sincere performance with my family and close friends, this is the real me.
  • I put up a cynical performance with people I don't know or like.
  • (Not sure about congruence)


3. Staging:

  • (Not sure about Staging point)


Can I apply Goffman to me?

4. Teams:

  • I have fellow actors for company and they actually reflect who I am as a personas my fellow actors are all very friendly and humorous.
  • My team is very harmonious, we have specific codes we use to maintain our harmony with each other (certain words or phrases or jokes that outsiders won't understand)
  • Although my team doesn't have the same fashion senses, our behaviours are very similar as we react to situations very similarly.



5. Roles:

  • My roles in life are constantly evolving and I have more roles as I progress in life, for example 5 years ago I wasn't an uncle and in current time I am an uncle to 3 nieces. In 5 years time my roles could increase even more, I could be an employee or a university student.
  • As my roles increase I have noticed conflictions between roles because as a student I am required to focus on coursework and revision, but as an uncle I am supposed to look after my niece so it is difficult to balance out the two at home most times.




6. Personality Style/Presentation Skills:

  • My personality allows me as an actor to not look artificial in my actions and thoughts. 
  • I may appear to be artificial in my responses during certain events such as interviews as my personality is not serious so I need to give a cynical performance so that the interviewer sees me as someone who can take things seriously.

goffman and gergen and gergen

By Manh

goffman and gergen and gergen


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