Initial Ideas for Artist Costume/Outfit

I have discussed with Emma (my actress) what I would like her to wear as the outfit would convey things such as her mood. We agreed that she will wear two outfits for the music video, one for before the fame and the other for once she is famous.

Before Fame: Ideas

We have decided that she would wear quite dark clothes such as these:

These clothes would obviously represent her mood (feeling quite dark and lonely), adding to this we agreed that she wouldn't be wearing as much make-up in her pre-fame scenes. We then moved onto discussing what she would potentially wear to show her moving from pre-fame to fame.

Fame: Ideas

We agreed that she would wear quite bright clothes that would show her now having money to buy expensive things (such as the clothes) however she would still wear the same black trousers from the pre-fame scenes to signify that she hasn't changed as a person (personality-wise) it is only her exterior that has changed (appearance, clothes etc.) 

We also agreed that she would be wearing more make-up during the fame scenes too, this shows her change of appearances in contrast to her pre-fame scenes.

Initial Ideas for Artist Costume/Outfit

By Manh

Initial Ideas for Artist Costume/Outfit

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