Decoupling GCN with DropGraph Module for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition


The main contributions discussed in the paper are:

  1. DeCoupling Graph Convolutional Networks(DC-GCN):   



  • It efficiently enhances the expressiveness of GCNs with zero extra computation cost.
  • It is inspired by the decoupling aggregation in CNNs

2 . ADG(Attention Guided DropGraph):

  • It effectively relieve the crucial over-fitting problem in GCNs.

Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition

Little Background DeCoupling Mechanism:


Different Partition Startegies:

The receptive field in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) is the region of the input space that affects a particular unit of the network.

Kernel vs Filter :


 DeCoupling Graph Convolutional Networks(DC-GCN):

DropBlock: A regularization method for convolutional networks

Little Background for DropGraph:

 Attention Guided Drop Graph:

The main idea of DropGraph is: when we drop one node, we drop its neighbor node set together

\space B_i=3(3-1)^2 \\ B_i=12

if i=3 and from graph we can say that davg=3

Expected number of nodes in the i th order neighborhood of a randomly sampled node is given by


d_{avg} =2e/n

The average expanded drop size is estimated as:

For conventional Dropout:

\gamma = 1-keep\_prob

For DropGraph:

Attention-guided drop mechanism:

Spatial-temporal DropGraph:


NTU-RGBD NTU-RGBD-120 Northwestern-UCLA
56,880 action samples in 60 action classes performed by 40 distinct subjects 114,480 action samples in 120 action classes  performed by 106 distinct subjects 1494 video clips covering 10 categories performed by 10 different subjects
Kinect V2 Kinect V2 Kinect 
3 cameras from different horizontal angles: −45 , 0  , 45 32 setups, and every different setup has a specific location and background Captured by three Kinect cameras
Two protocols
1) Cross-Subject (Xsub):
  Training data comes from 20 subjects, and the remaining 20 subjects are used for validation.
2) Cross-View (X-view): 
  Training data comes from the camera 0 and 45 , and validation data comes from camera −45
Two protocols
1) Cross-Subject (X-sub): 
 Training data comes from 53 subjects, and the remaining 53 subjects are used for validation.
2) Cross-Setup (X-setup): picking all the samples with even setup IDs for training, and the remaining samples with odd setup IDs for validation
One protocol
  Training data comes from the first two cameras, and samples from the other camera are used for validation

1) Datasets:

2) Model Setting:

  • Backbone as ST-GCN.
  • Batch size is 64.
  • SGD as Optimizer.
  • Trained the model for 100 epochs.
  • momentum of 0.9 and weight decay of 1e-4.
  • The learning rate is set as 0.1 and is divided by 10 at epoch 60 and 80.

Comparision of regularization methods:

Visulaization of learned Adj Matirces in Coupling GCN and Decoupling GCN

Ablation Study:

Keep_Probability vs Accuracy:

Decoupling groups vs Accuracy:

Comparision with State of the art methods:

a) Using NTU-RGBD:

b) Using NW-UCLA:

a) Using NTU-RGBD-120:

More info on attention based dropout layer:

Decoupling GCN with DropGraph Module for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition

By Manideep Ladi cs20m036

Decoupling GCN with DropGraph Module for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition

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