
HTML is great for declaring static documents, but it falters when we try to use it for declaring dynamic views in web-applications. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.


1. Maturity of technology ->  OK!
2. Support for IE -> Yes, >= IE8
3. Seaming into current application -> OK, spike prove it!
4. Number of Tese Studies -> 35 and still growing 


  1. Great and vibrant community
  2. Easy integration with existing jQuery components
  3. Yeoman support
  4. Developer tools
    • Chrome extension - Batarang (better objects and views inspection, perfomance and dependencies tools)
    • Editor support (Idea plugin, Sublime2 plugin)
  5. A lot of learning resources - youtube channel, book is coming
  6. JSFiddle support, great number of examples
  7. Good code quality, lot's of tests



We are seeing a common pattern of creating single-page web applications. Rather than requiring full page refresh, these request smaller sets of data from the server, and change the displayed content of their page through modifying the DOM. To make this more manageable, JavaScript MV* frameworks have been developed that support data binding, client-side templates, and validation. While lightweight applications
may not need a framework, for more complex scenarios, AngularJS and Knockout should be considered as the current front-runners in this field. 

Backbone.js is a great example of an abstraction pushed too far. While we initially liked the ease of wire-up, in practice it suffers from the same issues as all such data- bound frameworks from WebForms to client/server tools. We find that it blurs the framework and model too much, forcing either bad architectural decisions or elaborate framework hackery in order to preserve sanity.  

why angular

By marcin

why angular

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