NTK evolution
First experiment
Architecture: wide resnet
Dataset: CIFAR10
archive 4% error (close to SOTA)
with 2 classes it archive 2.8% error
- batch normalization
- weight decay
- learning rate scheduler
- cross entropy (linear hinge instead)
it archive 6% error
binary classification (automobile, cat, dog, horse and truck vs the rest)
6k images
no batch normalization
no weight decay
no learning rate scheduler
linear hinge instead of cross entropy
it archive 20.7% error and 0 train loss
train with the frozen kernel (same dynamics)
Kernel inflation
rem.: inflation of the kernel justifies learning rate decay
\(df = \partial_0 f dw + \partial_0^2 f dw^2 + \partial_0^3 f dw^3 + \mathcal{O}(dw^4)\)
\(1 \sim \alpha df \sim \alpha dw \Rightarrow dw \sim \alpha^{-1}\)
\(\Theta \sim (\partial f)^2 \sim (\partial_0 f + \partial_0^2 f dw + \partial_0^3 f dw^2 + \mathcal{O}(dw^3))^2 \sim \Theta_0 + \partial_0 f \partial_0^2 f dw + (\partial_0^2 f dw)^2 + \partial_0 f \partial_0^3 f dw^2 + \mathcal{O}(dw^3)\)
\(d\Theta \sim \alpha^{-2} \)
Training \(\alpha (f - f_0)\) allow to control the evolution of the kernel \((\partial f)^2\)
In the limit of small evolution of the parameters
\(\alpha \to \infty\) gives the initial kernel
Architecture: Fully connected
Dataset: 10 PCA of MNIST
\(\alpha (f - f_0)\)
too large LR

alpha / sqrt(h)
ensemble average
By Mario Geiger
- 733