Mat Warger - @mwarger

Full-Stack Apps with Expo

My Background

Over a decade of experience constructing software across startups and enterprises.

App Demo

What's the Plan?

Why Expo?

Why Expo?

React Native is a way to develop applications for native platforms using React.  Expo abstracts away the complexity of React Native.


Expo's library of packages is a massive win.  Multiple libraries are provided to accomplish most things you'd want to do.


Expo's Application Services (EAS) is a fantastic way to provide building, deployment, and code updates to ship apps quickly.


React Native Platforms

  • Primarily focused on iOS & Android
  • Compatible with web
  • Managed or Bare Workflows
  • Native Modules (using dev client)
  • Push Notifications

Expo Features


Enables sending local and remote push notifications



Enables easy use of a Splash Screen (and programmatic hiding)



Enables over-the-air updates for applications without going through store



Enabled local biometric login (touch ID/face ID)



Enables payment collection using Stripe


expo install `dependency`

Installing Dependencies

Using expo install will ensure compatibility between the dependency version and the expo version.

Up and Running

npx expo init
npm install --global expo-cli 

npx create-expo-app my-app

Expo CLI

npx create-nx-workspace

npm install @nrwl/expo

nx generate @nrwl/expo:application my-app

NX Monorepo

npx ignite-cli@next new my-app --yes

Ignite CLI

# Mac Only

brew install cocoapods

sudo gem inst ffi -- --disable-system-libffi


App creation boilerplate

Components and Navigation

  • Functional Components

  • Hooks

  • Context

React Component Patterns

Component Libraries & Styling



Components and Navigation

Working with APIs

  • API URLs

  • Base URL for Expo client

  • Network Call Debugging

API Requests

Base URL Setup

  • Environment Variables

  • Config

Endpoints in Expo Dev Client

import Constants from 'expo-constants'

const { manifest } = Constants
let apiHost = ''
const endpoint = Constants.manifest?.extra?.apiUrl ?? ''
reactotron.log?.('endpoint', endpoint)

if (__DEV__) {
  apiHost =
    typeof manifest?.packagerOpts === `object` &&
      ? manifest.debuggerHost?.split(`:`).shift()?.concat(`:4200`)
      : endpoint

  // add http if not present
  if (!apiHost.startsWith('http')) {
    apiHost = `http://${apiHost}`
} else {
  apiHost = endpoint

Config in Expo Dev Client

import 'dotenv/config';

let Config = {
  apiUrl: process.env.API_ENDPOINT,
  enableHiddenFeatures: true,

if (process.env.APP_ENV === 'production') {
  Config.apiUrl = ''
  Config.enableHiddenFeatures = false
} else if (process.env.APP_ENV === 'staging') {
  Config.apiUrl = 
  Config.enableHiddenFeatures = true


API and Debugging

Building and Deploying

Building Apps

  • Expo EAS Build allows for building Android and iOS apps
    • No need for a local setup of Android Studio or XCode!
  • Local builds for Simulator/Emulator
  • Internal builds for testing
  • Production builds for App and Play Stores

Deploying Apps

  • Expo EAS Submit allows for submitting app binaries to App Store and Play Store
    • Works with CI

Updating Apps

  • Expo EAS Update allows for serving updates to apps using the expo-updates library
  • Allows non-native code changes without store submission
    • JS, styling, image changes
    • Bug fixes
  • Also works with CI (Github Action)

Thank You!

Slides + Code

Full-Stack Apps with Expo

By Mat Warger

Full-Stack Apps with Expo

With modern tools, building a cross-platform app has never been easier. In this session, we'll take a look at how to get started with Expo to develop react-native apps that work on IOS, Android, and even the web - all with the same code! Combine this with a hosted API service and you can get your next side-project or startup MVP off the ground in record time. We'll cover project structure, component libraries, and other utilities to help you get started quickly.

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