local.ch Audience Vision Workshop:

Provocative and Unfounded Statements

My friends ask me:


Why should I use that,

I have Google.»


And why wouldn't they?


Google kicks our ass in much of what we do.

(Yes, also in the famous «Matchmaking»)


They have:

  • More data
    (aka teh Interwebz!)
  • A better search
    (Thousands of engineers!)
  • No limit of entries
    (Crawling trumps Yahoo!ing)

So what can we do?​​


1. Pivot and abandon the local search idea altogether

2. Invest all our resources in being the best local search

Do we really have a choice?

So what do we need for being number 1 in option 2?

  • More Data!
    (3rd party! Sales! Our own! Free!)

  • An even better Search!

  • A brilliant User Experience

  • «All the things that Google can't or doesn't want to do»

  • «Everything that makes the core local search experience better»

Do we stand a chance?


I think yes! If:

  • We are radical and focus on this goal
  • We focus on user value more than on customer value
  • We are not afraid of cannibalizing our products
  • If we improve in small steps
  • We have enough resources

local.ch Audience Vision Workshop: Provocative and Unfounded Statements

By Mathias Vettiger

local.ch Audience Vision Workshop: Provocative and Unfounded Statements

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