Position, Flex-box, and Overflow

Position Properties

Position properties in CSS allow us to specify the position of a selected element. There are five position property values we'll cover:

Static (positions default value)





Position Properties: Relative

Relatively positioned elements are positioned relative to where they would normally be placed in the document flow.

.relative-example {
    position: relative;
    top: 5px;
    left: 5px;

Elements original position

Elements new position


Position Properties: Fixed

Fixed positioned elements are positioned relative to the viewport. The fixed element remains in that portion of the viewport, regardless of scroll.

.fixed-example {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0px;
    right: 0px;



Position Properties: Absolute

Absolute positioned elements are positioned relative to their nearest positioned ancestor.


If there are no positioned ancestors, the element positions relative to the viewport.

.ancestor-example {
    position: relative;

.absolute-example {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0px;
    right: 0px;



Position Properties: Sticky

Sticky toggles between fixed and relative, based on scroll position. The sticky element remains relatively positioned until the scroll hits a specified position, then toggles to fixed.

While working with positioned elements, you may have noticed a positioned element layered beneath another element and thought: 

When working with position, we can use the z-index property to determine how we want to layer our positioned elements. The higher the z-index value, the more priority it has to the front of the view.


.bottom-layer {
    position: relative;
    z-index: 1;

.top-layer {
    position: relative;
    top: 5px;
    left: 5px;
    z-index: 2;



Display Properties

Specifies the display behavior of an element

block - Stacks vertically and takes full width available, unless otherwise specified. Can change height and width.

inline - allows horizontal stacking. Size is only what it needs for its content. Can't change height or width.

inline-block - allows horizontal stacking. Can change height and width.


Flexbox allows more flexibility for how a parent element arranges its contents.

Games that teach flexbox:

Flexbox Properties

We have access to many properties with flexbox

flex-example {
    /*initialize flexbox*/
    display: flex;
    /*available properties*/
    flex-direction: row;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    flex-wrap: wrap;

Flex Direction

flex-direction determines the direction content should flow

flex-direction: row; (default value)

flex-direction: row-reverse;



Flex Wrap

flex-wrap determines whether or not the content can wrap in the parent element.


Flex-wraps default value is no-wrap;

Justify Content

justify-content determines where to place content in the container, and how much space is between that content.


Default value is flex-start.

Align Items

align-items determines how content is laid out along the cross axis of the container


(vertically if flex-direction is row, horizontally if flex-direction is column)


 Default value is flex-start.


The overflow property in CSS determines how content that overflow's its element is handled. Overflows main values are:

overflow: visible—default value, shows overflowing content

overflow: hidden—hides overflowing content

overflow: scroll—makes content scrollable with its element

More about overflow here:


The box-shadow property can add a 'shadow' to an existing element. This can create a 3D looking effect for elements.

More about box-shadow here:

.shadow-example {
    box-shadow: 3px 3px 0px 0px black;

Horizontal Offset

Vertical Offset

Blur Radius

Spread Radius


shadow example


By matias_perez


Position, Flex-box, Overflow

  • 284