Configuring continuous scans
(and everything in general)
Matias Guijarro
BCU Day Out, 19th of November 2015, Le Fantin Latour, Grenoble
In Juyo, scans are configured in code
Acquisition slave and master objects rely on beamline objects
chain = AcquisitionChain()
# m0 is an *existing* beamline object: Emotion motor
# emotion_master configuration is done in code, here m0 will go from
# position 5 to 10, triggering 10 acquisitions (10 points), for 5 seconds
emotion_master = SoftwarePositionTriggerMaster(m0, 5, 10, 10, time=5)
lima_dev = DeviceProxy("id30a3/limaccd/simulation")
params = { "acq_nb_frames": 10,
"acq_expo_time": 3/10.0,
"acq_trigger_mode": "INTERNAL_TRIGGER_MULTI" }
# lima_dev is a beamline object: Tango device proxy to a Lima camera
# configuration for LimaAcquisitionSlave is done in code (params dict.)
lima_acq_dev = LimaAcquisitionSlave(lima_dev, **params)
# building the acquisition chain and the scan is done in code
chain.add(emotion_master, lima_acq_dev)
scan = Scan(chain, ScanRecorder())
How to configure beamline objects ?
Use Beacon
Beamline objects configuration
1. Install beacon
Source package installs dependencies for redhate4 or debian6
Beamline objects configuration
2. Run beacon
aelita:~ % cd ~blissadm/server/src
aelita:~/server/src % cat beacon
#!/usr/bin/env bash
exec beacon-server $@
aelita:~/server/src % cat /users/blissadm/local/daemon/config/device_servers
--db_path=/users/blissadm/local/beamline_control/configuration --posix_queue=0 --webapp_port=8088
Beamline objects configuration
3. Create objects
Using graphical application
or by hand
class: IcePAP
host: iceid301
name: tz1
address: 51
steps_per_unit: 120000
backlash: 0.1
velocity: 0.0333
acceleration: 4.5
Beamline objects configuration
4. Instanciate
aelita:~ % python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Dec 26 2010, 22:31:48)
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from beacon import static
>>> cfg = static.get_config()
>>> tz1 = cfg.get("tz1")
>>> tz1
<emotion.axis.Axis object at 0x1daa890>
How does it work with different kinds of objects ?
e.g. Emotion motor, Tango device, a MUSST ?
Beacon plugins !
- Emotion plugin for instanciating Emotion objects
- Tango built-in plugin : Beacon can replace Databaseds
name: prosilica_md2s
LimaCameraType: Prosilica
server: LimaCCDs
personal_name: id30b_sample
name: tango_prosilica_md2s
tango_name: id30/limaprosilica/id30b_sample
class: Prosilica
properties: $prosilica_md2s/camera
tango_name: id30/limaccd/id30b_sample
class: LimaCCDs
properties: $prosilica_md2s
Tango server configuration (Lima w. Prosilica)
Beacon plugins !
- Other libraries can instanciate other objects, like MUSST card to be used within a continuous scan
name: musst
class: musst
gpib: enet://
address: 13
aelita:~ % python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Dec 26 2010, 22:31:48)
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from beacon import static
>>> cfg = static.get_config()
>>> musst = cfg.get("musst")
>>> dir(musst)
['__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', 'connect', 'get_data', 'gpib_device', 'gpib_ip',
'gpib_pad', 'io', 'lock', 'prg_root', 'print_info', 'putget', 'upload_file',
'upload_program', 'val']
>>> musst.putget("?STATE")
Enough Python !
How do I integrate continuous scan with spec ?
See next talk !
- Continuous scan Tango server
- Hides all Python code, can be called from spec
- still, beamline objects configuration should go to Beacon
- What about Tango servers configuration ? (decision to take)
- Beacon plugin(s) to add ?
- Development of the configuration GUI application: how far is it from being usable ?
Remarks / things to talk about
Continuous scans configuration
By Matias Guijarro
Continuous scans configuration
Discussion on Continuous Scans configuration @ BCU day out
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