by Matt Cromwell

@learnwithmattc    mattcromwell.com

givewp.com    wordimpress.com

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100 Years of Scripps Pier Ocean Temperature Data

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The actual information about how you do support.

  • # of customers
  • # of new tickets
  • Replies to resolve
  • # of Sales compared to # of new tickets
  • Staff hours available
  • etc..


How you represent that data in order to understand it

  • Spreadsheets
  • Charts
  • Graphs
  • Presentations

Data versus Reporting

This method can change

DON'T change method

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Data * Why
Staff Hours Capacity
# of New tickets Capacity
# of replies to resolve Capacity, efficiency
# of tickets resolved Effeciency
# of new sales compared to new tickets Capacity
Time to resolution Capacity

What Data should you be collecting?

* I report all data weekly

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What should you be Reporting?

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What should you be Reporting?

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What is Capacity and how do you measure it?

Capacity is how many work-hours you need to properly resolve your queue of tickets. 

You measure Capacity with the following data:

  • # of tickets a week
  • time to resolve tickets
  • time available

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How do you predict Capacity?

You have to find the indicator of ticket creation. Examples:

  • Daily Downloads
  • Sales
  • Tickets over time
  • New features released

You then project the growth of your product based on your indicator trend.

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Example Capacity Prediction

  • Plugin X gets 100 support tickets a week
  • One person resolves those tickets on average within 3 replies
  • Each reply takes approximately 5 minutes. 
  • That means you need 1500 minutes of work hours to support Plugin X, or 25 hours. 

But how will Support grow with Plugin X?

  • Plugin X gets 5000 downloads a week
  • Week over week growth shows 1% increase, or 50 more downloads a week

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Matt Cromwell

Head of Support at WordImpress.com

WordPress Community Consultant for Media Temple

Scaling Your Support Team -- WP.org Webinar

By Matt Cromwell

Scaling Your Support Team -- WP.org Webinar

This was presented on January 22, 2018 for the WordPress.org #Forums team. Details here: https://make.wordpress.org/support/2017/11/scaling-support/

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