Writing a Rust library crate.
Matt Gathu
Software Engineer at JUMO
Pythonista and Rust Enthusiast
Rust is a systems language that pursues the trifecta of:
- No Garbage Collection
- Zero cost abstractions
- Minimal Runtime
- Generics monomorphization
Memory safety
- You never explicitly free memory.
Automatic Resource Management
- You never explicitly release resources.
- Ownership Model
Rust means never having to close a socket
~ Yehuda Katz
Fearless Concurrency
- Threads.
- Message Passing.
- Shared State.
- Extensible Concurrency
Rust’s Package Manager, Build tool and test runner.
$ cargo new africastalking_gateway
Project Layout
$ cd africastalking_gateway
$ tree .
├── Cargo.toml
└── src
└── lib.rs
1 directory, 2 files
name = "africastalking_gateway"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Matt Gathu <mattgathu@gmail.com>"]
$ cargo test
Running Tests
running 1 test
test tests::it_works ... ok
test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out
Doc-tests africastalking_gateway
running 0 tests
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out
$ cargo doc
Generating Docs
Documenting tokio-core v0.1.10
Documenting tokio-tls v0.1.3
Documenting tokio-proto v0.1.1
Documenting hyper v0.11.6
Documenting hyper-tls v0.1.2
Documenting reqwest v0.8.1
Documenting africastalking_gateway v0.1.0 (...)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 35.19 secs
$ cargo doc --open
Viewing Docs
AT's Rust Crate
- messaging endpoints
- subscription endpoints
- voice endpoints
- airtime endpoints
- payments endpoints
- user data endpoint
- Gateway Struct
- endpoints urls as attributes
- endpoints logic as methods
pub struct AfricasTalkingGateway {
username: String,
api_key: String,
env: String,
user_data_url: String,
sms_url: String,
voice_url: String,
sms_subscription_url: String,
send_airtime_url: String,
mobi_payment_checkout_url: String,
mobi_payment_b2c_url: String,
mobi_payment_b2b_url: String,
impl AfricasTalkingGateway {
pub fn new(
username: &str,
api_key: &str,
env: &str) -> Self {
Self {
username: username.into(),
api_key: api_key.into(),
env: env.into(),
user_data_url: ...,
sms_url: ...,
pub fn get_user_data(&self) -> Result<json::Value> {
let url = format!("{}?username={}", self.user_data_url, self.username);
let val: json::Value = self.send_request(&url, None)?.json()?;
Testing and Docs
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::env;
fn it_works() {}
fn fetch_user_data() {
let username = env::var("AFRICAS_TALKING_USERNAME").unwrap();
let apikey = env::var("AFRICAS_TALKING_APIKEY").unwrap();
let gway = AfricasTalkingGateway::new(&username, &apikey, "sandbox");
let data: json::Value = gway.get_user_data().unwrap();
/// Sends airtime. [docs reference](http://docs.africastalking.com/airtime/sending)
/// `recipients` is a json array of the format
/// ```json,ignore
/// [
/// {
/// "phoneNumber":"+254711XXXYYY",
/// "amount":"KES X"
/// },
/// {
/// "phoneNumber":"+254733YYYZZZ",
/// "amount":"KES Y"
/// }
/// ]
/// ```
pub fn send_airtime(&self, recipients: json::Value)
-> Result<json::Value> {
Publishing to Crates.io
$ cargo publish
Writing a Rust crate
By Matt Gathu
Writing a Rust crate
Writing a library in Rust
- 1,250