Practical Single Page Applications with Server Side Rendering using Next.js
Why are we here?
SPA, SSR, Next.js...
Who cares?
I want a fast site
I want a discoverable site
I want a productive development experience
Multi vs Single Page Applications
Multi Page Application
Multi Page Application
Multi Page Application
- Full page reloads
- Puts stress on the web server
- Caching output HTML can be a challenge
- Ease of development
- Excellent discoverability (SEO)
- Simple analytics
- High speed page render
Single Page Application
Single Page Application (SPA)
Single Page Application (SPA)
- Discoverability (SEO) is generally poor
- Initial resource load may be heavy
- 3rd party integrations
- UX perception (is the page loading?)
- Memory leaks can add up!
- One initial load for most resources
- Scalability
- UX perception
- Less bandwidth usage
Next.js Application (SPA + SSR)
SPA and SSR all rolled into one platform
React code is running on both server and client side
Next.js attempts to replicate the development experience of simple MPAs
Getting started
yarn add next react react-dom
"scripts": {
"dev": "next",
"build": "next build",
"start": "next start"
yarn dev
Create your pages
(Put your "page" files here)
export default () => <h1>Hello Next.js</h1>;
Key points
Data loading
User experience
Routing 101
Loading Data 101
Sample endpoint
const Product = ({ product }) => l
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
const res = await fetch('http://localhost:5005/products/1') ;
const product = await res.json();
return { product };
export default Product;
Switches between unfetch & node-fetch for client & server.
Link & getInitalProps
Search > Results > Details
Slug it out!
Son of "Slug it out"
Now with working SSR!
Slow it down...
Let's get real(ish)
What are we waiting for?
What are we missing
Wait for it...
We need a loading state!
To wait or not to await?
When and why is the question
Too fast
Buffer loading indicator for almost fast responses
If the loading indicator is shown,
show it for a minimum amount of time
Buffer load for fast responses
Wait 200ms for the data to load
before displaying the loading indicator
So much more!
Dynamic import
Static exports
Lambda per page deployments
next-offline PWA
Thanks for joining me!
Practical SPAs with next.js - 2022
By Matt Ruby
Practical SPAs with next.js - 2022
- 579