React vs Angular 2

Build it or Make it?

React Pros

  • Library not a Framework
  • Embraces the Unix Philosophy - The philosophy of small, composable, single-purpose tools never goes out of style.
  • JSX - HTML-like syntax that compiles down to JS
  • Fails Fast and Explicitly
  • JavaScript-Centric
  • Broad Tooling Support
  • Small Size - React/Redux 151k

Angular Pros

  • Low Decision Fatigue
  • TypeScript = Clear Path
  • Broad Tooling Support
  • Web Component Friendly
  • Reimagined an already seasoned framework
  • Reduced Churn - trust a single team to make careful decisions about the future

React Cons

  • Library not a Framework - this is good and bad because we now have to use 3rd parties to build additional functionality that is usually provided with frameworks
  • Can seem hard to understand depending on your level of JS knowledge

Angular Cons

  • Its a framework which means its opinionated and its their way or the highway. 
  • Need to know all angular/typescript syntax instead of just straight up JavaScript


By Matt Webb