Better Accessibility
by Default
Better Accessibility
Reasons to Care
Legal requirements
Limited staff or budget
Inclusive culture is a priority
- More users, more profit
Accessibility is...
Accessibility is
hard to get right.
Accessibility is emotional.
Accessibility is
easy to ignore.
Accessibility is
Copy Editors
UX Designers
Visual Designers
QA Testers
- vocalize accessibility as a priority to the employees
- work it into the budget as part of the cost of the project
- actively create an inclusive environment at the office
Content Managers
- ensure that the content uses clear language
- do not permit "dark horse" marking (wording) techniques
- use consistent phrases across the entire project
- provide alt text for images
UX Designers
- logical workflows
- simplified user experience
- provide a clear understanding of context and purpose
Visual Designers
- Provide adequate color contrast
- Large enough font sizes - and think about zoom!
- Look at animation & scrolling expectations
- Is that interactive element large enough?
QA Testers
- Personas are your friend!
- Keyboard-only user
- Different types of color-blindness
- Test for ignore-colors!
- Learn about visible focus vs screen reader focus
You do not require permission to write accessible code.
Respect the Holy Trinity
- 38 Success Criteria
- Screen readers
- Keyboard navigation
Learn Your Tools
Addon Support
- ember-a11y
- ember-a11y-testing
- ember-cli-template-lint
- ember-a11y-landmarks
- ember-component-helper
Thank you!
- Melanie Sumner
Better Accessibility w/ speaker notes
By Melanie Sumner
Better Accessibility w/ speaker notes
(Formerly "Accessible by Default: The Layered Workflow")
- 593