Narrowing Topics

How to take your broad topic and zoom it in for a college academic essay

Start off with your broad topic

  • Medical Testing
  • Racism
  • Law Enforcement
  • Propaganda
  • Immigration
  • Free Speech
  • Sexual Assaults

Zoom in using

  • Current State of Medical Testing
  • Racism in 2020
  • Recent Crises in Law Enforcement
  • Propaganda during Peacetime
  • Immigration in 2020
  • Free Speech in Modern Society
  • Sexual Assaults Today

Zoom in using

  • Current State of US Medical Testing
  • Racism in 2020 America
  • Recent Crises in Local Law Enforcement
  • Foreign Propaganda during Peacetime
  • American Immigration in 2020
  • Free Speech in Modern American Society
  • College Campus Sexual Assaults Today

Zoom in using

  • Current Benefits of US Medical Testing on Animals
  • Racism in 2020 American Educational Systems
  • Recent Crises in Protest Crackdowns by Local LEOs
  • Chinese Twitter Propaganda during the 2020 Elections
  • Effects of Illegal Immigration into the US in 2020
  • Free Speech Restrictions on College Campuses in 2020
  • New Title IX Regulations on Sexual Assaults and Reporting

Repeat Zooming Until You Hit the Sweet Spot

  • Safe for Humans? - United States Law Requires All New Cancer Treatments and Drug Regimens to Be First Tested on Animal Patients
  • Systemic Racism and Its Effects on the American Education System
  • No-Knocks, Tear Gas, Riot Shields, and Unarmed Shootings: The Militarization of Local LEOs and How that Affects Violence Escalation
  • Fake News: The Effects of Political Speech Restrictions, President Trump, and Chinese Propaganda during the 2016 & 2020 Elections
  • Child Separation Protocols - Evidence of Systemic Problems in the American Immigration Pipeline
  • Political Advocacy and Canceling Speakers - Free Speech Restrictions on College Campuses in the Last Five Years
  • Concerns about Revictimizing Sexual Assault Survivors in the New Title IX Cross-Examination Requirements

And that's about where you should be for a paper length of  1700-2000 words (about 5-7 pages)

Yes. Really. You can write 5 to 7 pages about any one of those very narrow focal points with the right research and support to back you up.

Narrowing Topics

By Cameron Mount

Narrowing Topics

How to you narrow your research topics? Focus in on Time Period, Location, and Specifics. Repeat until your topic is narrow enough to support detailed, nuanced information.

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