Web Workers,
Service Workers,
and PWA's
Thank you!
Who is Michael Cole?
Full-stack. JavaScript. DevOps.
Freelancer. Technologist.
Web Workers,
Service Workers,
and PWA's
Thank you!
Reglar Web Pages
Reglar Web Pages
Shift-Esc in Chrome to see processes
Limited access to CPU/Memory/Disk
One process per tab/plugin/extension
Can't access memory of other tabs
Reglar Web Pages
One process per tab/plugin/extension
Can't access memory of other tab
Web Workers
Create multiple processes
Pass messages between them
Web Workers
// index.html - regular web page <script>
// Create worker, using code from your site
w = new Worker('worker.js');
// Listen for results.
w.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
var el = document.getElementById('result');
el.innerHTML += event.data + '\n';
// Send data to worker
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('page sends message ...');
w.postMessage('Hello from Page!');
}, 2000);
Web Workers
Multiple processes
Communicate between them
// worker.js
// Listen for messages from main page w/ string for outgoing messages.
var task = 'Hello from Worker!';
var r = self.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
console.log('... worker got message ' + e.data);
task = e.data;
}, false);
// Fibonacci numbers generator.
// F(0) = 0, F(1) = 1, F(x) = (F(x-2) + F(x-1).
function F(x) {
if (x<2) return x; return F(x-1) + F(x-2);
// Send messages with Fibonacci numbers and task string
var i = 0;
setInterval(function() {
self.postMessage(F(i++) + ' ' + task);
}, 200);
// Don't use while(true) {}, or message events won't be processed
Multiple processes
Messages between (not shared memory)
caniuse.com: 96.8%
No DOM access (no jQuery, etc)
importScripts(url, url)
Network via new XMLHttpRequest() or Fetch()
Practical applications:
Browser Cryptominer Malware
Web Workers
Web Workers
Service Workers
Service Workers
caniuse.com => 91.54%
Next Version: Edge, Safari, iOS Safari
Service Workers
Code: https://github.com/MichaelJCole/talk_webworkers
All that
A JavaScript proxy, to edit responses
of your page's network requests -
Installation life-cycle
Push Notifications, etc.
What is a Proxy?
"A Proxy is an intermediary
for requests from clients seeking resources
from other servers."
What is a Proxy?
"A Proxy is an intermediary
for requests from clients seeking resources
from other servers."
What is a Proxy?
"A Proxy is an intermediary
for requests from clients seeking resources
from other servers."
Service Worker
"A JavaScript proxy, to edit responses
of your page's network requests
Service Workers
Web Worker
A JavaScript proxy, to edit responses
of your page's network requests -
Installation Life-cycle
Push Notifications
Service Workers
Installation Life-Cycle
- Register (from index.html)
ServiceWorkerContainer.register(scriptURL, options).then(...)
- Browser Downloads (redownloads ~every 24 hrs)
Updated ServiceWorker scripts wait until "activated"
- Installs, then Activates
Service Worker listens for events
- Proxy requests with "FetchEvent" FetchEvent.respondWith(stuff)
Service Workers
Register? Install? Notifications?
This sounds like a Native App.
See also: https://serviceworke.rs/
Service Workers
Register? Install? Notifications?
This sounds like a Native App.
Example? Vue.js PWA starter template.
$ npm install -g vue-cli
$ vue init pwa my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Web Workers, Service Workers, and PWA's
By michaelcole
Web Workers, Service Workers, and PWA's
- 8,425