CVJS March 2019
Michael Holroyd, PhD
Tools for event organizers
Tools for event curators
Growing partner network
1. UX/Design
2. Front-end
A service worker is a programmable network proxy.
Most important application... replace all requests for a photo with images of cats instead:
A lot of tutorials online start with caching applications, but that is just a common use case.
<!DOCTYPE html> <h1>Holroyd is so cool...</h1> <img src="holroyd_pilot.png"/> <script> navigator.serviceWorker.register('sw.js') </script>
self.addEventListener('fetch', e => { if(e.request.url.indexOf('.png') > -1) { var catsRequest = new Request('') e.respondWith( fetch(catsRequest) ) } })
push / sync
.register() only if the servicer-worker.js url has changed
Ctrl+R will not refresh your service worker!
By Michael Holroyd
Presentation on Service Workers for the Central Virginia Javascript Meetup, March 2019.
Computer Graphics Ph.D.