Service Workers

CVJS March 2019

Michael Holroyd, PhD



Tools for event organizers

  • Create your event once, promote everywhere

Tools for event curators

  • Review and approve events
  • Editoral control


Growing partner network

  • Charlottesville: C-VILLE, Charlottesville Tomorrow, WTJU, UVA Arts, Downtown Assoc.
  • Cville, DC, Asheville, Portland, Seattle, Santa Fe, Boston, Eugene, Fort Collins, ...more



1. UX/Design

2. Front-end

Service Workers

Service Workers

Service Workers

A service worker is a programmable network proxy.

  1. Independent thread (no access to DOM)
  2. Can intercept all network requests and run some JS

What can they do?

Most important application... replace all requests for a photo with images of cats instead:

A lot of tutorials online start with caching applications, but that is just a common use case.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Holroyd is so cool...</h1>
<img src="holroyd_pilot.png"/>
self.addEventListener('fetch', e => {
  if(e.request.url.indexOf('.png') > -1) {
    var catsRequest = new Request('')
    e.respondWith( fetch(catsRequest) )

Lifecycle Gotchas

Lifecycle Gotchas

Lifecycle Gotchas

Updating Service Workers

  • Browser will try to update service-worker.js on:
    • page navigation
    • push / sync
    • .register() only if the servicer-worker.js url has changed

  • After install, your service worker is "waiting to become active" until all clients of the old version close.
    • your service worker can explicitly .skipWaiting() on this page, or
    • call clients.claim() to immediately take over on all client pages

Ctrl+R will not refresh your service worker!

Offline Ticket Scanner

Offline Ticket Scanner


Javascript Service Workers

By Michael Holroyd

Javascript Service Workers

Presentation on Service Workers for the Central Virginia Javascript Meetup, March 2019.

  • 1,908