A predictable state container for JavaScript apps
Redux Facts
Redux !== React
Redux is a standalone library.
Redux is framework agnostic.
Redux !== Flux
Flux is an architectural pattern.
Redux is an implementation.
Don't believe the hype, Redux is simple
It's 2KB in size and has a tiny surface API. Let me prove it to you.
- Redux can scale with the complexity of your app
A Functional Approach
What are the advertised benefits to a functional approach?
- Taming side effects
- Reducing state changes
- Greater predictability
- Easier extensibility
- Improved testability
- Minimizing moving parts
PluralSight - Functional Programming with C# (1.5 hours)
How tiny is Redux?
Breaking down "reducers"
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
add(5, 5);
//returns 10
Breaking down "reducers"
var state = { total: 0 };
function impureAdd(a, b) {
state.total = a + b;
return state.total;
impureAdd(5, 5, state);
//returns 10
Breaking down "reducers"
function calc(a, b, command) {
if(command === "ADD") {
return a + b;
} else if(command === "SUBTRACT") {
return a - b;
calc(5, 5, "ADD");
//returns 10
Breaking down "reducers"
//This reducer is impure
function reducer(state, action) {
switch(action.type) {
state.total += action.value;
return state;
var stateBefore = { total: 5 };
var action = {type: 'ADD_COUNTER', value: 5 }
var stateAfter = reducer(stateBefore, action);
//returns 10
Breaking down "reducers"
//This reducer is pure
function reducer(state, action) {
switch(action.type) {
var newState = {};
newState.total = state.total + action.value;
return newState;
var stateBefore = { total: 5 };
var action = {type: 'ADD_COUNTER', value: 5 }
var stateAfter = reducer(stateBefore, action);
//returns 10
Breaking down "reducers"
//ES6 Object.assign
function reducer(state, action) {
switch(action.type) {
var newState = Object.assign({}, state);
newState.total = state.total + action.value;
return newState;
var stateBefore = { total: 5 };
var action = {type: 'ADD_COUNTER', value: 5 }
var stateAfter = reducer(stateBefore, action);
//returns 10
Breaking down "reducers"
//ES next object spread
function reducer(state, action) {
switch(action.type) {
return {...state, total: state.total + action.value };
var stateBefore = { total: 5 };
var action = {type: 'ADD_COUNTER', value: 5 }
var stateAfter = reducer(stateBefore, action);
//returns 10
Breaking down "reducers"
// Bring in Redux!
var createStore = require('redux').createStore;
// Define a reducer
function reducer(state, action) {
if(!action.type) { return state; }
switch(action.type) {
return {...state, total: state.total + action.value };
return state;
var store = createStore(reducer, { total: 5 });
store.dispatch({type: 'ADD_COUNTER', value: 5 }); //10
store.dispatch({type: 'ADD_COUNTER', value: 5 }); //15
console.log(store.getState()); //{ total: 15 }
Breaking down "reducers"
// Bring in Redux!
import { createStore } from 'redux';
// Define a reducer
function reducer(state, action) {
if(!action.type) { return state; }
switch(action.type) {
return {...state, total: state.total + action.value };
return state;
const store = createStore(reducer, { total: 5 });
store.subscribe(function() {
console.log('Value changed!', store.getState());
store.dispatch({type: 'ADD_COUNTER', value: 5 });
Reducer Facts
Reducers must be synchronous
Reducers must not dispatch actions
Reducers should be pure
- Reducers are deterministic
A Sample App
Using nothing but Redux and the DOM
How do I async?
// Inside your app
// <button onclick="dispatchAction()">Do Work</button>
function dispatchAction() {
//Show loading indicator
store.dispatch({ type: "REQUEST_STARTED" });
//Make AJAX call
$.ajax({ url: "/foo/bar" })
.done((data) => {
//Remove loading indicator, update with new data
store.dispatch({ type: "REQUEST_COMPLETED", value: data });
How about validation?
function dispatchAction() {
//Show loading indicator
store.dispatch({ type: "REQUEST_STARTED" });
//Perform synchronous validation
store.dispatch({ type: "VALIDATE_FORM" });
if(!store.getState().isValid) { return; }
//Make AJAX call
$.ajax({ url: "/foo/bar" })
.done((data) => {
//Remove loading indicator, update with new data
store.dispatch({ type: "REQUEST_COMPLETED", value: data });
//ES next goodness
async function emailChanged(email) {
store.dispatch({ type: "UPDATE_EMAIL", value: email });
const emailValid = await $.ajax({ url: "/is/email/valid" });
store.dispatch({ type: "EMAIL_VALID_RECD", value: emailValid });
How Redux Fits Into Your App
Controller View
UI components only reflect the state passed to them.
Logic lives in the reducers.
How to Scale Redux
- You can break up large reducers into separate modules/files
- You can use multiple reducers via "combineReducers"
//Reducer 1
export default function todos(state = [], action) { ... }
//Reducer 2
export default function counter(state = 0, action) { ... }
//Combine Reducers
const combinedReducer = combineReducers({ todos, counter });
//Create the store
const store = createStore(combinedReducer);
store.getState(); // returns { todos: [], counter: 0 }
//Each reducer is handed its own branch of the state tree
Can you tell me what this app does?
// actionTypes.js
export default {
For Really, Really Big SPAs...
This is for apps that have large teams divided by products that ship sub-apps within a single enclosing "app shell".
Action Creators
// actions.js
export function addCounter(amount) {
return { type: actionTypes.ADD_COUNTER, value: amount };
export function resetCounter() {
return { type: actionTypes.RESET_COUNTER };
// app file
import * as actions from './actions';
//store.dispatch({ type: 'ADD_COUNTER', value: 5 });
Action Creators help define the shape of your actions
Async with Thunks
// What is a thunk?
// In this context it's...
// 1. a function that returns a function
function thunk() {
/* outer function */
return function() { /* inner function */ };
// 2. that dispatches actions
function saveProfile() {
return function (dispatch, getState) {
.done(() => dispatch(actions.profileSaved()));
Async with Thunks
// Inside your app
import * as actions from './actions';
// <button onclick="store.dispatch(actions.doWorkThunk())">...
// inside ./actions
function doWorkThunk() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
//Show loading indicator
store.dispatch({ type: "REQUEST_STARTED" });
//Make AJAX call
$.ajax({ url: "/foo/bar" })
.done((data) => {
//Remove loading indicator, update with new data
store.dispatch({ type: "REQUEST_COMPLETED", value: data });
Boilerplate and Best Practices
Connect, Mapping Dispatch, Mapping State, Binding Action Creators
Learn More...
- Great documentation on the Redux.org site
http://redux.js.org/ - Dan Abramov's Egghead.io videos
https://egghead.io/lessons/javascript-redux-the-single-immutable-state-tree?play=yes - Cory House's Building Applications with React and Redux
https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/react-redux-react-router-es6 -
Rangle.io's Managing State with Redux and Angular 1.x
http://blog.rangle.io/managing-state-redux-angular/ - Microsoft's React + Redux SPA for .NET Core
https://github.com/aspnet/JavaScriptServices/tree/dev/templates/ReactReduxSpa - Dan Abramov "You Might Not Need Redux"
More Resources
- Why use Redux over Facebook flux?
- Babel REPL
- Runkit - play with Redux (and any other npm module) in your browser
- Redux DevTools Chrome Extension
- Form Validation with Redux
Thanks for your time.
Redux: A Predictable State Container for JavaScript Apps
By Michael Snead
Redux: A Predictable State Container for JavaScript Apps
A presentation on Redux for the Jacksonville node.js meetup group.
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