
Focus of this presentation

  1. To give you more of the details of the brain
  2. What are neurons
  3. What is the connection between neurons
  4. What are synapses
  5. How network of neurons eventually generate a behavior

The BIG difficult question:

What does it mean to understand the brain ?

Clearly - A THEORY is required to
explains how the brain ingredients
(its anatomical units; its electro-chemical signals)
generate “high level” phenomena
 (perception, action, emotions)


  1. Connectomics - Complete 3D road-map for the brain
  2. Brainbow – Colorful, genetically-designed, brains
  3. Brain-machine/computer interface (BMI)
  4. Optogenetics – Light-activated brain circuits
  5. Computer simulation of the brain - “Blue Brain Project”

Beginning of Modern Neuroscience

Camillo Golgi (Italy) & S. Ramon Y Cajal (Spain) – Nobel Prize 1906

Using Golgi staining method. Very small % of cells stained. Connections (synapses) - not seen

The neuron doctrine (Cajal)
Our brain is built from individual cells (neurons)

Brain Ingredients

  1. The neuron
  2. The axon
  3. Dendrites / Dendritic spines
  4. Neuron types
  5. Synapses
  6. Electrical signals

The spike (action potential)

The synaptic potential (PSP)

7. Neuron as I/O device

The neuron as an input-output electrical device


By Michal Danco


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