5 Measures to Apply for Better Web Design Accessibility

Frontend design is not limited to appealing aesthetic value of your website. It is quite more than that. Website accessibility is an inseparable part of design and you have to create a website UI that encourages accessibility essentially these days. The users are getting smarter with more & more options available in the SERPs. They won’t stop if they find better opportunities than your website accessibility. If they come to know they could access another website more comprehensively, they get a chance to explore more and that’s the most important thing you’re not allowed to ignore establishing your web design.


Web designing & development is not subject to specific standards or techniques. As the web designing outcomes keep changing with the trend you also have to work on your frontend results. Accessibility wasn’t the case a certain number of years ago. When webmasters decided to broaden their website accessibilities following various online trends, competition took birth. And now you’re also a part of the competition.

In this article, we are essentially going to discuss 5 important measures through which you can improve your web designing accessibility.


Better accessibility can bring better designing results for both you & your audience. There are added advantages of implying advanced accessibility options that you’ll come to know in the approaching segments of the article. Alternatively, you may visit SFWP Experts anytime to discuss solutions regarding other ingredients of your website building approach. We’re a team of skilled website designers & custom web developers consistently working on finding & creating solutions for emerging website building issues!!


Significance of Accessibility in Web Design


The significance of accessibility in web design is defined by different levels following different places.

Even somewhere it is considered mandatory addressing a particular statute. You have to evaluate the importance of website accessibility in your respective region. Consequently, there are multiple levels of importance of applying accessibility to your website. You just need to keep your eyes open & frequently define your prerequisites for better UX out of your web design. Listed below are the different points that define importance of accessibility in different manners:


  • A good website accessibility can raise interest & enthusiasm of your audience regarding your products & services

  • Accessibility can encourage your target audience to make buying decisions or perform corresponding actions on your website

  • Through accessibility you offer trust & reliability to your users & customers

  • Accessibility can generate a niche marketplace for your business addressing consumers with disabilities

  • It can also encourage better website marketing & SEO by generating more traffic on your website

  • It can open doors for multiple sources of online traffic from your website

  • You may combat against various legal actions amid running your business operations because you don’t have to face any online reports against your website so often

  • You can rise against your competitive forces efficiently


Accessibility in website design is a fine technique for building relationships with your potential customers. Hence we suggest you visit SFWP Experts & know about your accessibility goals properly for enhanced designing outcomes. We’re a renowned Custom Coded Wordpress Website Design Company based in San Francisco and we provided unmatched assistance & support regarding your website building goals!

5 Measures for Better Accessible Web Design


Accessibility in web design could be defined in multiple ways. You need to remember some of the very important ones. Moving ahead you can define many other ways to improve accessibility on your website. Accessibility means something on your website that encourages users to take some actions on it. It could be an image, a creative layout, or a specified form of content that relates to a considerable click. Here are 5 important approaches you can’t afford to overlook to improve your website accessibility:


Live Links


Links are generally internal & external. And they help users to stay on your website for a long time. However, if the links lead the users to insecure URLs & addresses they often lose interest in your website.

Therefore you have to take care of the accessibility of your website links so that your customers visit the right place for their respective exploration. Web designing can be your best friend as well as your biggest challenge as it comprises various technical aspects that you have to learn & stay updated to. Website accessibility may also require certain updates on part of your user preferences so you must stay updated to the same.


Living Title Tags


Website accessibility is not only limited to the internal boundaries of the website. If you have heard of Off Page SEO, it is another website marketing technique that focuses on external linking of the website. Accessibility with a true sense means what’s accessible from outside too. Wherever you put links targeted toward your top web pages, they must be accessible.

Make sure that the user is not redirected to a maintenance or 404 error amid accessing a specific web page on your website from an external source like- Online Forum, Business Directory, Social Media Post or Interaction, Guest Post or Blog Comment, etc.


Predictable Navigation


Navigation is an essential web designing product that encourages users to explore. Your website is never going to run addressing a single topic or product for years. You have to add different segments of website content from time to time. Even a single niche website represents multiple elements to be read or studied for enhanced information. So you have to introduce navigation anyhow. But remember to link those navigation elements to some other pages on your website describing the core of the element. The elements can further link to other sub elements or components the users are keen to know about.

A predictable navigation can do magic on the user engagement you were looking to achieve.


Image Tags


Google also exhibits the top images on Google Images that are focused on your target web pages. Can you imagine how much traffic you can generate through your image tags? That’s right, you can post such images on Google Images without doing anything externally but internally. Always remember to add Alt Text to all your website images. Especially when you have created those images or photographs yourself. The images can be divided into the following categories:


  • Infographics

  • Animation

  • GIF

  • Typography Cuttings

  • Photographs

  • Stock Images

  • Real Images etc


Stock Images are the images that are originally created somewhere else. You can consider such images but make sure to perform certain alteration or modification on such images. Then we suggest you add alt text to those images for search engine recognition.


Bold Typography


Bold typography surely encourages accessibility. But you can also take help of linking that usually highlights the anchor text in blue.

The user wants to visit the link you have provided if he’s in search of more information or product options to choose from. In addition you have to concentrate on better organization of the text content so that the user doesn't get confused over where to visit & where not. Unorganized content is a great enemy of user engagement.


Closing Thought


Furthermore, you can stay conscious of the language, forms, video clips, keyboard navigation & tables you’ve offered users to access on your website. Better accessibility stimulates a relationship that the user can build with your website & consequently your business offers. Hence we suggest you to not avoid such aspects for growth & development. SFWP Experts are always there to support your business operations & your web designing goals. Let us know if our groundbreaking Custom Website Design Services are the right instrument for your website building vision.

We’re waiting for your response!!


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5 Measures to Apply for Better Web Design Accessibility

By mikedavistech

5 Measures to Apply for Better Web Design Accessibility

Frontend design is not limited to appealing aesthetic value of your website. It is quite more than that. Website accessibility is an inseparable part of design and you have to create a website UI that encourages accessibility essentially these days. The users are getting smarter with more & more options available in the SERPs. They won’t stop if they find better opportunities than your website accessibility. Read more on https://bit.ly/3f2UPf6

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