Web Animation: Meaning, Significance & Disadvantages

Ever thought about what visuals mean for your website content & structure? Your website is your way of expressing your business ideas and potential. Visuals can be a great tool to help you out with your UX design. Visuals are of different types. There are Images, Videos, GIFS, or Animation that define your business perspective effectively. Text content has also got a special place in your website but sometimes text can’t explain things that pictures are able to convey. Sometimes pictures help us experience and remember more effectively. A motion picture or animation can enhance your message even more efficiently.


In this article, we’ve highlighted web animation briefly so that you can understand the worth of smart content for your website UI & UX. Animation is an advanced and fun way of conveying information. It looks attractive and doesn’t go out of trend. In fact, several website owners make use of old and vintage animation effects to provide a particular group of visitors.

In this post, you’ll learn how web animation came into existence and its corresponding advantages & disadvantages too.


Web designing & development involves numerous decisions on your part and you have to specify your project requirements way ahead of facing such decisions. SFWP Experts assist you in different ways through your web designing & development projects. You can reach out to our Award Winning Custom Website Design Company and share your designing issue today!


Origin of Web Animation


Animation is also a designing technique related to graphics. It started with the introduction of GIFs animation in the mid 90s with the famous movie Batman Forever. Though it wasn’t associated with a web designing project of that time, it was a revolutionary concept and a matter of inspiration for many emerging website building experts.

However, there was a promo site featuring the movie graphics & GIFs and inspired many other designers of that time to come up with a product accordingly. GIFs are also shared even today on different social media platforms and websites.


Web Animation has come a long way since then. The internet has also been introduced and has changed the way web designing & development used to be. There are numerous online websites and tools that could help you with your web designing & animation goals today. Some best ones that we can recommend in this context are- Origami, Adobe After Effects, Mockplus Cloud, Motion UI, Framer, etc.


Additionally, you can also get better consultation or complete web design support at SFWP Experts anytime. Our groundbreaking Custom Coded WordPress Designing Team is always there to assist you with your innovative business ideas.

Let us know what web designing or development challenges you’re going through!


What is Web Animation?


After knowing about its origin you might be curious to know more about web animation. It is a designing technique that can be used to visualize various steps and designing workflows for your website building project. Web animation is a creative UI product of your website that your users are definitely going to like. It simply provides fun accessibility to your website users. Moreover, you can use web animation tools to create innovative video content for your website. Video content is one of the most influential contents that you can use to attract your target audience. Coming back to the website, you can make use of web animation to adorn the following elements:

  • Website Layout

  • Navigation Structure

  • Notifications

  • Message Boxes

  • Icons

  • Breadcrumbs

  • Text Fields

  • Buttons

  • Toggles etc


Animated effects are usually colorful so you need to make sure of corresponding color schemes. Overall Web Animation is a fun thing but offers certain advantages and disadvantages to the designing professionals that we’ll discuss in the approaching segments.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Web Animation


Web animation can do numerous things for your designing project. It can hold the user's attention and project a considerable first impression before the users. It is an innovative way of intensifying your marketing messaging efforts too. If you’ve got an eCommerce business a good Web Animation support can improve the buyer's journey on your website exceptionally.


Web animation is generally of two types- Static Web Animation & Dynamic Web Animation. Where static animation deals with consistent styles and creates a stable aura, dynamic web animation is more user-centric and depends on corresponding actions. If you’re a fresher web designer or animator, you may find the enlisted pros & cons of applying Web Animation quite considerable in this context:

1. Advantages of Applying Web Animation


Web animation can be advantageous in various circumstances for your website building project. Web animation is a fun thing to do and you enjoy applying corresponding web designing principles to draw considerable web animation results. It can be a powerful part of your designing workflow. Here are the leading advantages of using Web Animation for your designing project:



  • Regarding the APNG Technique, it supports the alpha channel

  • The Web Animation platform is easily available to everyone in the form of GIFs. Even if you’re not using a CMS plugin you can manage easily it with a GIF setup

  • Web animation also performs well with the support of JavaScript and the corresponding SVG Animation Library. You can do considerable image sequencing with the help of these

  • It also creates a very easy-to-learn ambiance when mixed up with HTML or CSS 3 support. The programs allow pixel & vector animations as well

  • Moreover, you also got SMIL support if you’re not satisfied with the properties that CSS handles


2. Disadvantages of Applying Web Animation


So, there’s a lot you can do with your Web Animation plan in this situation. Additionally, Web Animation can enhance your interest associated with your designing project and helps you make it a bit more effective for the corresponding output. Now comes the negative part. You can face problems applying your Web Animation principles along with the above-mentioned web development programs. Let’s check them out:

  • It doesn’t help you maintain your SVG if you apply the same as an image with your JavaScript support

  • The SMIL language is usually not supported in all sorts of browsers so you can face problems conducting your Web Animation project

  • Some SVG properties can’t be animated with the help of CSS. That’s where you have to jump to JavaScript or SMIL accordingly

  • If you’ve decided to go for the outdated flash language then you can face disappointment regarding your web animation plan. Only a few platforms support that language to be exercised especially for doing a Web Animation kind of stuff

  • The same problem follows in the case of APNG files. Most of the browsers won’t let you perform corresponding animation actions with the help of such a program

  • If you’re making use of GIFs, you can face problems associated with the size of the file. Moreover, you can’t use alpha channels amid using web animation along with GIFs like that

So, these were the matter of concern in this context. You can make decisions on your corresponding language or web designing program to add the best web animation effects to your website as such.




Web designing is a very crucial concept for the creation of your website. You can’t ignore the fact that website UI & UX plays an important role in user satisfaction, fun, and trust in your online business, your website. We suggest you visit SFWP Experts if you think you can’t deal with a bigger challenge encompassing your web designing & development plan in this context. We’re a team of skilled Custom Website Designing & Development Experts from San Francisco!

Web Animation: Meaning, Significance & Disadvantages

By mikedavistech

Web Animation: Meaning, Significance & Disadvantages

Ever thought about what visuals mean for your website content & structure? Your website is your way of expressing your business ideas and potential. Visuals can be a great tool to help you out with your UX design. Visuals are of different types. There are Images, Videos, GIFS, or Animation that define your business perspective effectively. Text content has also got a special place in your website but sometimes text can’t explain things. Read more on https://bit.ly/2RLsoee

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