What Is PPC (Pay-Per-Click)? Explained With Types And Benefits

Nowadays many small businesses have good products and great potential to grab user attention and generate high revenue. But they fail to do it because they have a lack of knowledge on how to spread the awareness about the product and brand among users.


Many businesses are aware of the role of SEO in bringing a website on the top in SERP to gain organic traffic. But this type of marketing technique requires time to drive quality traffic. To, get rid of that many businesses use PPC (pay-per-click) advertisement. PPC ads are most popular for driving quality traffic and generating high revenue. Businesses pay some amount to Search Engines, Social Media and Video streaming platforms to place their ads to get paid traffic.


In the succeeding series of Inbound Marketing, we will be drawing your focus on one of the most popular advertising methods that have helped many brands and businesses in showcasing their product and brand to a wide range of audiences.

In this article, we will be talking about:


  • What is PPC(Pay per Click)

  • Different types of PPC Ads

  • What are Google Ads?

  • PPC keyword research

  • Budget & Bid

  • How to optimize an underperforming PPC Campaign?

  • What are the Benefits of PPC for Small And Large Scale Businesses?

  • Conclusion


What is PPC (Pay Per Click)?

PPC (Pay Per Click) one of the well-known terms in the online marketing world.  In which advertisers pay some amount to the online advertising platform every time their ad is clicked. It is a form of online advertising where the website owner-run paid campaign on top advertising platforms like Google, Facebook, and other search engines to place their website on the top of SERP.


In today’s online marketing world there are various types of PPC ads you can find on the internet. But Search ads are considered to be the most common type of ads displayed in the SERP(search engine result page).  PPC helps in bringing the potential audience on your Landing Page.


It is a way of buying traffic or visitor on the site which we call it paid visitors. These types of searches are carried out when users are looking to purchase something and advertiser looking to sell something.

Nowadays Search engine is considered to be the most vital option for searching and buying on an e-commerce platform. By looking at the image you can figure out if a user is searching for men casual shoes on search engines. The first three-four results they get on the search engine are Paid Ads posted by the seller.


Different types of PPC Ads:


1. Search Ads


If you are surfing the internet or searching for a product to buy online, then search ads are one of the most common ads you will come across in the search engines. These ads are displayed by the seller or companies to gain more visitors. You will find these ads in search engines with “AD” displayed before landing page URL.

As you can see in the image that there are no visuals in search ads. These types of ads generally contain text and snippets. If you are looking to create search ads then you have to visit Search Engines ads or most popular Google ads to set up your advertisement.


2. Display Ads


Display ads are one of the essential parts of PPC (Pay Per Click). These types of ads are displayed on the website, apps and social media to showcase the product and company’s innovative ideas. Display Ad formats can be made of texts, attractive images, converting videos, and audios.


If you own a product that can attract users then display ads can be one the best medium in attracting potential customers.  It is very common among users, as it can be viewed on google’s partner website.

By looking at the image you can figure out the appearance of display ads.


The main difference between  Search ads display ads are:



  • Search ads can be viewed by the publisher.

  • But display ads only give performance reports about how advertisers ad is performing. It can’t be viewed by the publisher.


Read More: Inbound Marketing Series: What Is PPC (Pay-Per-Click)? Explained With Types And Benefits

What Is PPC (Pay-Per-Click)? Explained With Types And Benefits

By mikedavistech

What Is PPC (Pay-Per-Click)? Explained With Types And Benefits

Nowadays many small businesses have good products and great potential to grab user attention and generate high revenue. But they fail to do it because they have a lack of knowledge on how to spread the awareness about the product and brand among users. Many businesses are aware of the role of SEO in bringing a website on the top in SERP to gain organic traffic. But this type of marketing technique requires time to drive quality traffic. Read more on https://bit.ly/2I2KEeb

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