Event Loop


  • What is the event loop
  • Is NodeJS single-threaded or multi-threaded

Let the code explain.

int server = socket();

bind(server, 80);

int server = socket();

bind(server, 80);


while(int connection = accept(server)) {
	pthread_create(echo, connection)

while(int connection = accept(server)) {
	pthread_create(echo, connection)

void echo(int connection) {
    char buf[4096];
    while(int size = read(connection, buffer, sizeof buf)) {
    	write(connection, buffer, size)


epoll is a Linux kernel system call for a scalable I/O event notification mechanism, first introduced in version 2.5.44 of the Linux kernel mainline. Its function is to monitor multiple file descriptors to see whether I/O is possible on any of them.

int server = ... //like before
int eventdf = epoll_create1(0);
struct epoll_event ev = {.events = EPOLLIN, .data.fd = server};
epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOL_CTL_ADD, server, &ev);
while((int max = epoll_wait(eventsfd, events, 10))) {
struct epoll_events events[10];
while((int max = epoll_wait(eventsfd, events, 10))) {
    for(int n=0; n < max ; n++) {
    	if(events[n].data.fd.fd == server) {
            //Server has socket connection
            int connection = accept(server);
            ev.events = EPOLLIN;
            ev.data.fd = connection;
            epoll_ctl(eventfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, connection, &ev);
while((int max = epoll_wait(eventsfd, events, 10))) {
    for(int n=0; n < max ; n++) {
    	if(events[n].data.fd.fd == server) {
            //Server has socket connection
            int connection = accept(server);
            ev.events = EPOLLIN;
            ev.data.fd = connection;
            epoll_ctl(eventfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, connection, &ev);
        else {
            char buf[4096];
            while(int size = read(connection, buffer, sizeof buf)) {
    			write(connection, buffer, size);

NodeJS EventLoop

A semi infinite while loop, polling and blocking the OS untill some of the descriptors are ready.

Whats epoll-able in NodeJS?

Pollable Time Everything Else
can be directly waited upon can be directly waited upon must happen off loop and signal back to the loop when done
(net, http, dgram) etc.
timeouts and intervals Everything in fs.* uses the uv threadpool

Uv Thread Pool

  • fs
  • dns (some APIs)
  • crypto (some APIs)
  • http.get()/request 
  • any C++ addons

Shared by

Default number of threads is 4

Event Loop

By Minhaj Khan

Event Loop

  • 166