Technology and User Experience
Creating Immersive Interfaces and Interactions for VR and Mobile

MJ Johns  -   @moarKitties


Who am I?

MJ    @moarKitties

Game developer, indie studio founder, teacher

What is this?

A talk on Interface Design and Unique Platforms

Focus on Mobile and VR

Brief Intro

Carnegie Mellon University - Unusual Technology

Virtuix - VR Demos

Part Time Evil - Mobile Games

Certain Affinity - AAA Games

Astire Games - Founder


Precursor to design

Know your input

Mouse, keyboard, gamepad, motion-tracking controller, head-tracking, touch-screen

Kinect, Wii balance board, heartrate, 3D stylus (zSpace), 360 treadmill, eye-tracker, Leap Motion


What can this hardware do that no other hardware can do?

What can I make for this input that I couldn’t make for any other kind of input?

Unusual Platforms and Hardware



Hope the Fence

360 Treadmill - Omni

360 Treadmill - Omni

Virtual Tour of Amsterdam

Wii Balance Board

Wii Balance Board

Wii Balance Board

Webz of War

Leap Motion

Leap Motion

Green Thumb

Augmented Reality

Alternate Reality

Parallel Universe

Head Tracking and VR

Head Tracking vs Head-mounted Display vs Virtual Reality

Head Tracking and VR

Head Tracking vs Head-mounted Display vs Virtual Reality

Head Tracking and VR

Head Tracking vs Head-mounted Display vs Virtual Reality

Head Tracking and VR

Head Tracking vs Head-mounted Display vs Virtual Reality

Unusual Platforms and Hardware

Designing for VR and for Mobile


Designing for VR and for Mobile

VR ~ Mobile

Designing for VR and for Mobile


Designing for VR and for Mobile

Navigation & Gestures

Designing for VR and for Mobile

Hangman Typing - keyboard & mouse

Fantastic Contraption -

UI and UX

User Interface

User Experience

Driving a Car

Obvious Tips

Don’t block the player’s view

Be intuitive

Don’t slow the player down

Don’t confuse the player

Give useful feedback / information

User Testing!!!

Obvious Tips - Mobile

Don’t make the player reach across the screen

Have a left-handed mode

Reduce repetition

Buttons should be bigger than your finger

Touch and drag

Obvious Tips - VR

No UI “stuck” to the screen - use spatial UI

Don’t put things too close or too far away (2-3 meters)

Use face and body gestures to replace buttons

Make sure text is readable

Draw targeting reticles in the world (raycast)

Targeting reticles should have a delay from head motion

Thinking Outside the Box

Step Away from the “Mouse and Keyboard”


MJ  @moarKitties 

Technology and User Experience

By MJ Johns (Megan)

Technology and User Experience

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