Manuel Pichardo Marcano (Fisk/Vanderbilt)
Liliana Rivera Sandoval, Thomas J. Maccarone, Diogo Belloni, Craig Heinke, Arash Bahramian, Rene Rohrmann, Leandro Althaus
SCOVaS: Survey for Compact Objects and Variables Stars
Cataclysmic Variables
White dwarf primary
"Main-sequence" donor
Roche-lobe overflow
Accretion disk (non-magnetic)
Highly Variables:
Dwarf novae
2-8 mag outburst
CVs in the HR diagram:
CVs in the Field
Abril et. al (2019)
CV Population in the field
Pala et. al (2019)
- Dwarf Novae (59 %):
- Transients/Outbursts:
- U Gem
- SU UMa
- WZ Sge
- Transients/Outbursts:
- Novalike:
- Persistently Bright
Mroz et. al (2016) Image: (J. Skowron, K. Ulaczyk / Warsaw University Observatory)
Variability Search
Variability Search
Looking of CVs in GCs
NASA, ESA, H. Richer and J. Heyl (University of British Columbia), and J. Anderson and J. Kalirai (STScI)
Binaries in Globular Clusters
Globular Clusters
- The binary population drives the dynamical evolution of GCs
Cataclysmic Variables:
- Large (predicted) sample at known distance
- Potentially very different from field CVs
- A lot of open questions
Gravitational Waves:.
- White dwarf degenerate sources for LISA
Looking of CVs in GCs
NASA, ESA, H. Richer and J. Heyl (University of British Columbia), and J. Anderson and J. Kalirai (STScI)
Finding CVs in GCs
HST Optical (3' x 2')
NASA, T. Brown and S. Casertano (STScI)
HST NUV (2.7' x 2.7')
Dieball et. al (2016)
Chandra (3.65 ' x 3.65')
1. X-rays and 2. (F)UV excess
Location, Location, Location
47 Tuc
L.E. Rivera Sandoval et al. (2018)
CVs in Globular Clusters
43 CVs
16 CVs
NGC 6752
Lugger et. al (2017)
Finding CVs in X-rays and UV
Advantages of X-ray Searches:
- Avoid crowding
- Small FoV (FUV)
- Lx ≥ 1029 ergs/s
Significant X-ray bias
Summary CVs in GCs
Few of CVs per cluster
X-ray biased sample:
Lx > 1029ergs/s
Predicted "Hidden" Population:
Belloni et al. (2016, 2017a, 2017b)
Dearth of DNe:
Only 17 confirmed
Bimodal population
Period distribution?
~15 known periods
Need more detections. Need more Periods
All Magnetics ?
See Review by Belloni & Rivera Sandoval (2020) arxiv:2008.12772
- HST Archive
- 7 Globular Clusters
- Many Exposures
- Different properties
- Metallicity
- Core-collapsed
- Non core-collapsed
SCOVaS: Survey for Compact Objects and Variables
Preliminary Results
NGC 6397
- Closest Core Collapse
- Second Closest
- 2.4 kpc
- 15 CV candidates
- 2 Pulsars
Preliminary Results
NGC 6397
- WFPC-2
- March-April 2005:
- 126 orbits
- F814W, F606W and F336W
- Exp time: 500-700 s
Preliminary Results
NGC 6397
- 126 Orbits (F336W)
- Lomb–Scargle
- False Alarm Probability < 10-8
- Bluer than the MS
Preliminary Results
NGC 6397
We haven't found new
X-ray faint CVs
Spoiler Alert!
Preliminary Results
NGC 6397
Where are all the CVs?
We haven't found new
X-ray faint CVs
Spoiler Alert!
Blue Variables
- Lomb-Scargle
- False Alarm Probability < 10-8
HACKS Data: Libralato et al. (2022)
Blue Variables
- Lomb-Scargle
- False Alarm Probability < 10-8
HACKS Data Libralato et al. (2022)
He WD Candidate
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2023)
Data: Libralato et al. (2022)
He WD Candidate
Tracks from Althaus et al. (2009)
0.16 M☉
0.22 M⊙
0.52 M⊙
18.4 hours
He WD Candidate
He WD Candidate
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2023)
MUSE spectrum
Data from Husser et al. (2016), Kamman et al. (2016)
Magnetic He WD Candidate
- Binary: Vrad > 150 km/s (MUSE)
- Not Detected in X-rays
- Lx < 1028 ergs/s
- Not an Roche-lobe filling stripped star
- M~ 2 x 10-4 ☉
18.4 hours
Rotational Period
ESO/L. Calçada
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2023)
Second Periodic WD Candidate
Pichardo Marcano et al. (in prep.)
Data: Piotto et al.(2015)/ Nardiello et al. (2018)
5.3 hours
Variable and No Hα Excess
- Not Detected in X-rays
- 0.2 Δmag in F336W
- No Hα in Excess
- Periodicity
5.3 hours
Pichardo Marcano et al. (in prep.)
Light Curves of Known CV Candidates
High and Low state?
Nova-like Candidate
Nova-like Candidate
Ṁ changes?
Pichardo Marcano et al. (in prep.)
Light Curves Variable WD Candidates
Other Binaries
Credits: NASA/Rivera Sandoval
Main et al 2018 (Nature)
Redback 'spider' Pulsar
Redback Pulsar
A new candidate Redback Pulsar
HUGS catalogue. (Piotto et al. 2015, Nardiello et al. 2018)
Pichardo Marcano et. al (2021a)
Zhao et al. (2020), including Pichardo Marcano
A new candidate Redback MSP
Pichardo Marcano et. al (2021a)
- Porb 1.96 days
- Longest Porb for Redback in GCs
- Missed MSP in Pulsar Searchers
- Confirmed by Zhang et al. (2022)
NGC 6397
- Pipeline to find interesting objects:
- CMD Position and Periodicity/Variability Searches
- We were able to recover all known CV Candidates
- Found Orbital Period Redback Pulsar
- First Magnetic He Core WD in GCs
- Second Magnetic WD?
- Many more variables to analyze...
Where are all the CVs?
M 92
HST vs Ground-based
Yepez et al. (2020)
Ground-based Data
HST Data
Preliminary Results
M 92
- WFPC-2
- 2008-01-25 to 2008-01-30:
- 76 Exposures
- F555W
- Exp time: 10 s
New Variables in the Core
SX Phe
- Good Distance indicator:
- Strong P-L relation
- Less common than RR Lyrae
Blue Straggler
- Product of Binary evolution
P = 1.38 hr
M 92
- New variables in the core:
- SX Phe, RR Lyrae, AB, ....
- Search for Optical Counterparts of X-ray sources:
- 1 Pulsar, 4-5 CVs
- Many more variables to analyze...
He WDs in NGC 6397
Strickler et al. (2009)
- Binary Evolution:
- Mass-transfer episodes
- Many in Binary systems
- Extremely low-mass WDs:
- He WD
- M < ∼ 0.3 M☉
- 24 Candidates in NGC 6397
0.175 M⊙
0.45 M⊙
Location, Location, Location
CVs in Globular Clusters
47 Tuc
NGC 6752
NASA, ESA, H. Richer and J. Heyl (University of British Columbia), and J. Anderson and J. Kalirai (STScI)
ESA/Hubble, NASA
- Most Lx < 1029 ergs/s
- ~100 L☉ of the Sun
- > 90% are period bouncers
- Old systems
- Dearth of dwarf novae:
- Low Accretors -> Rare Outburts
- Population beyond half-light radius
Simulation results
Belloni et al. (2016, 2017a, 2017b)
Simulation results
Predicted "Hidden" CV Population
Variability Search in GCs
The results of our extensive survey provide new evidence ... that ordinary DNe are indeed very rare in GCs.
Pietrukowicz et. al (2008)
Hourihane et. al (2011)
- Only 17 confirmed DNe
- 7 GCs
Modiano et. al (2020)
Variability Search in GCs
[...] this would suggest MCVs are somehow enhanced in globular cluster cores, providing yet more evidence that stellar evolution in globulars is affected by close encounters.
Grindlay (1999)
Hourihane et. al (2011)
- DNe is suppressed due to truncation of the accretion disk.
Modiano et. al (2020)
Evolution of the CV
- Magnetic Braking
- Porb > 3 hr
- Period Gap
- Fully convective donor
- Gravitational Wave Rad
- Porb < 2 hr
- Period Minimum
- Brown dwarf
- Period Bouncers
- Increase Porb
Knigge (2006)
Cataclysmic Variables
- Magnetic CVs:
- High B Field (Polars)
- Weaker B Field (IPs)
- Non-Magnetic:
- Accretion disk
- DN Outburst
- Accretion disk
Intermediate Polar (IPs)
"Disk" CVs
Magnetic He WD Candidate
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2023)
18.4 hours
0.16 M☉
- 0.24 R☉
- 0.11 Gyr
- Teff 7586 K
- log g = 4.9
M 92
- New variables in the core:
- SX Phe, RR Lyrae, AB, ....
- Search for Optical Counterparts of X-ray sources:
- 1 Pulsar, 4-5 CVs
- Many more variables to analyze...
Also interested in:
- Transients
- Crowding
- Symbiotics
- Halo vs Thick Disk:
- Halo CVs
- Halo AM CVns?
Data from Peters (2008)
Color-Magnitude Diagram
Lugger et. al (2017)
- Identify blue objects
- Hα excess
- Flickering
- Ellipsoidal Modulations
- Outbursts
Hα Excess
NGC 6752
Hα deficiency
Bright CVs
Faint CVs
Color-Magnitude Diagram
47 Tuc
L.E. Rivera Sandoval et al. (2018)
- Identify blue objects
- Hα excess
- Flickering
- Ellipsoidal Modulations
- Outbursts
What do we know from theory and simulations?
A new candidate Redback Pulsar
Pichardo Marcano et. al (2021a)
Zhao et al. (2020), including Pichardo Marcano
Mass-transfer rates vs orbital period
White dwarf + White dwarf
White dwarf + He Star
Porb 20 to ~ 60 minutes (?)
Superoutburts (SO) and "Normal" outbursts (NO)
SO: Superhumps (periodic brightness variation )
Outbursting Systems
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2021)
- TESS (Duffy et al. 2021)
- Echo Outbursts
- DIM with Enhanced Mass Transfer (e.g. Hameury & Lasota 2021)
TESS AM CVn Outbursts Survey
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2021)
Long-term monitoring
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2021)
- Orbital Periods:
- 2-minute cadence
- Limits on Recurrence Time
- "Normal Outburts"
Superoutburst duration vs Porb
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2021)
TACOS Summary
Precursors and "Normal" Outbursts:
- Relatively Common
- Short Duration (missed by ground-based)
Echo Outbursts:
- Different morphology
- Enhanced Mass Transfer
- Superoutburst durations overestimated
- Two new candidate orbital periods
- Color Evolution
- HST Archive
- 7 Globular Clusters
- Many Exposures
- Different properties
- Metallicity
- Core-collapsed
- Non core-collapsed
SCOVaS: Survey for Compact Objects and Variables
SCOVaS: Survey for Studying Compact Objects and Variables
- Focus: Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) with HST
- First Survey for CVs in GCs Unbiased in the X-ray
- X-ray faint CVs
- Orbital Periods
- Spatial Distribution:
- Looking at the dense Core of Clusters
- Next: Search in the Outskirts
- Optical Counterpart X-ray/Radio Sources in GCs
Preliminary Results
NGC 6397
- WFPC-2
- March-April 2005:
- 126 orbits
- F814W, F606W and F336W
- Exp time: 500-700 s
Preliminary Results
NGC 6397
- WFPC-2
- March-April 2005:
- 126 orbits
- F814W, F606W and F336W
- Exp time: 500-700 s
A new candidate Redback Pulsar
HUGS catalogue. (Piotto et al. 2015, Nardiello et al. 2018)
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2021a)
Zhao et al.(2020)
Zhao et al. , including Pichardo Marcano (2020)
A new candidate Redback MSP
Pichardo Marcano et. al (2021a)
- Porb 1.96 days
- Longest Porb for Redback in GCs
- Missed MSP in Pulsar Searchers
Blue Variables
He WD Candidate
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2023)
MUSE spectrum
Data from Husser et al. (2016), Kamman et al. (2016)
Light Curves of Known CV Candidates
High and Low state?
Pichardo Marcano et. al (in prep)
Ṁ changes?
Pichardo Marcano et. al (in prep)
Light Curves of Known CV Candidates
Magnetic He WD Candidate
Pichardo Marcano et. al (in prep)
Magnetic He WD
- Vrad > 100 km/s (MUSE)
- Not Detected in X-rays
- Rotation Period
18.4 hours
Pichardo Marcano et. al (in prep)
Detached White Dwarf-Red Dwarf
Pichardo Marcano et. al (in prep)
- Not Detected in X-rays
- Potential Porb
5.21 hours
Pichardo Marcano et. al (in prep)
Detached White Dwarf-Red Dwarf
NGC 6397
- Pipeline to find interesting objects:
- CMD Position and Periodicity/Variability Searches
- We were able to recover all known CV Candidates
- Found Orbital Period Redback Pulsar
- Detached White Dwarf-Red Dwarf
- Many more variables to analyze...
Other work with Accreting WDs
Follow-up eROSITA transient:
- TESS time series analysis
Atel: Pichardo Marcano (2020)
Paper: Schwope, [...], Pichardo Marcano, et al. (2021)
Compact Binaries Surveys
2- SCOVaS: Survey for Compact Objects and Variables
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2021a)
Pichardo Marcano et al. (in prep.)
1- TACOS: TESS AM CVn Outbursts Survey
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2021b)
Compact Binaries Surveys
Extra Slides
PTF1 J0719+4858:
Similar to Dwarf Novae:
- Hameury et al. (2020)
- Rivera Sandoval et al. (2021)
Color Evolution
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2021)
Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)
Empirical Relationships
- Trec prop Porb^7.35
- Tdur prop Porb^4.54
- Delta mag prop Porb
- Long-term
- Ground-Based:
Levitan et al. 2015
See also Duffy et al. 2021
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2021)
Long-term monitoring
Pichardo Marcano et al. (2021)
- Orbital Periods:
- 2-minute cadence
- Limits on Recurrence Time
- "Normal Outburts"
AM Canum Venaticorum AM CVn
White dwarf + White dwarf
White dwarf + He Star
Orbital Period: 5-70 minutes
- Time-domain astronomy
- Experience Transients
- Expand my expertise
- Time-domain astronomy
- Common interest with Warwick Scientists
- Compact Binaries:
- Accreting WDs
- Compact Binaries:
- Experience Spectroscopy:
Two in a Million
By mmarcano22
Two in a Million
- 81