Maps at the

Berliner Morgenpost


Election Map 2013

Specifications? Formats?!

["01101", ... ]}

Rents Map

Rents Map on Github!

Open Source under MIT Licence

Flight Paths Map

Talkies FTW!

Tempelhof 3D Map

Collaboration project with OKFN/Codeforde

3D Map Libraries

  • MapboxGL
  • Vizicities
  • OSM Buildings
  • Tangram
  • Cesium

Berlin Soccer Teams Map

German Soccer Teams Map

Fall Of The Wall Map

From 700 TIFS
to an interactive map

  1. Stitch 700 tif files
  2. Georeference big picture
  3. Import to Tilemill
  4. Export MBTiles
  5. Upload to Mapbox

From 700 TIFS
to an interactive map

Native and New Berliners Map

European Population Map

How To Create Such A Detailed Map

DDJ Catalogue

Thank you for your attention.

Maps at the Berliner Morgenpost

By Moritz

Maps at the Berliner Morgenpost

Overview of map applications created by the interactive team of the Berliner Morgenpost

  • 6,894