PyGotham 2018
Molly Leen
Molly Leen
Senior Software Engineer @
At Kyruus we help health systems match patients with the right providers and enhance patient access enterprise-wide
Who am I?
Talk Overview
The Problem
- Large amount of data
- 2x the number of rows currently in our system
"BIG" data
Current Infrastructure
raw data
API server
- Post each record 1 at a time
- Estimated time: ~48 hours
"first_name": "Molly",
"last_name": "Leen",
"conferences": ["PyGotham"]
ingestion script
Why is this so slow?
- Network request for each record
- Single threaded
- API commits to db on EACH request
Processing one by one is SLOW
Can we process in bulk?
Use COPY to load all the rows in one command, instead of using a series of INSERT commands. The COPY command is optimized for loading large numbers of rows; it is less flexible than INSERT, but incurs significantly less overhead for large data loads.
From the PostgreSQL docs:
The Plan
API server
ONE request
raw data
ingestion script
What is COPY?
COPY takes data from a file which is formatted to match the structure of the table
"Gary","The Snail","snail"
fname | lname | type
| |
COPY needs a structured file...
...but this file could be very large....
...we don't want to have to download the file to our API server....
...let's define some requirements....
...and the structure of the file needs to exactly match the table....
- Bulk load data with COPY
- Do not download file to the Flask API server
- Create records as JSON as if creating only one record
Requirement #1
Bulk load data with COPY
- PostgreSQL adapter for use in Python apps/scripts/etc.
- reads data from a file-like object
- object must have read() and readline() methods
What is a file-like object?
According to the python docs:
- An object exposing a file-oriented API (with methods such as read() or write()) to an underlying resource. Depending on the way it was created, a file object can mediate access to a real on-disk file or to another type of storage or communication device (for example standard input/output, in-memory buffers, sockets, pipes, etc.).
Requirement #2
Do not download full file
We can use a file-like object.
Extracting data from s3
With a Pre-Signed s3 URL and python requests, we can iterate over the data line by line using a generator
- python requests: Python library for HTTP requests
- Pre-Signed s3 URL: Authenticated url to access s3 file via HTTP requests
- Generator: A python class that behaves like an iterator
with requests.get(url, stream=True) as data:
# Data is now a generator we can access either
# in a loop or by calling
Generator -> File
We have a generator...
...We need a file-like object with read() and readline() methods...
...Let's build one!
def __init__(self, s3_data):
self._data = s3_data # generator of s3 data
def readline(self):
except StopIteration:
# Generators end with a StopIteration
# Files end with an empty string
return ''
def read(self, size=-1):
# A file-like object stream takes
# a size param for read we'll
# accept but will ignore param
# because the copy reads line
# by line
return self.readline()
Our File-Like Object
class MyFileLikeObject(object):
def readline(self):
def readline(self):
- Bulk load data with COPY
- Do not download file to disk
- Create records as JSON as if creating only one record
Requirement #3
Create records as JSON as if creating only one record
File as JSON
- Need to read file from s3
- Data needs to be in the same format as a single post
- s3 file will be JSONLines, 1 row of JSON per entry
{"fname": "Spongebob", "lname": "Squarepants", "type": "sponge"}
{"fname": "Patrick", "lname": "Star", "type": "starfish"}
{"fname": "Squidward", "lname": "Tentacles", "type": "squid"}
{"fname": "Eugene", "lname": "Krabs", "type": "crab"}
{"fname": "Sandy", "lname": "Cheeks", "type": "squirrel"}
{"fname": "Sheldon", "lname": "Plankton", "type": "plankton"}
{"fname": "Gary", "lname": "The Snail", "type": "snail"}
Example data:
File Structure for COPY
- COPY requires the file it reads from is in the same format as the table
- So for the example table:
"Gary","The Snail","snail"
fname | lname | type
| |
File for COPY
CSV Writer
- CSV writer will ensure all formatting is properly formatted and escaped
- CSV writer writes to a file-like object that has a write() fn
CSV Writer
CSV writer writes many lines to a single file...
...time for another file-like object..?
...we don't want to write all the data to a file on disk (Req. #1)...
...COPY expects data one line at a time...
CSV File-Like Object
class FileQueue(Queue):
def read(self):
return self.get()
def write(self, data):
- Use a FIFO queue as a file-like object so we can easily read and write data line by line
def __init__(self, s3_data):
self._data = s3_data # generator of s3 data
def readline(self):
except StopIteration:
# Generators end with a StopIteration
# Files end with an empty string
return ''
def read(self, size=-1):
return self.readline()
Our File-Like Object
class MyFileLikeObject(object):
except StopIteration:
return ''
data =
# Assume we have a function that
# simply returns the values from
# the json data in order in a list
data_for_csv = prep_for_csv(data)
self._file_queue = FileQueue()
self._writer = csv.writer(self._file_queue)
But wait...
How does this "trick SQL into doing all the work for you"?
with requests.get(url, stream=True) as data:
file_like_data = MyFileLikeObject(s3_data=data)
table = 'spongebob_characters'
columns = ['fname', 'lname', 'type']
# Assume we have a psycopg2 cursor which
# is a class that has a connection to the
# database and executes SQL such as copy_from
cursor.copy_from(file_like_data, table,
columns=columns, sep=',')
The copy_from command reads from our file
and all processing happens when data is read!
Original Estimate: ~2 days
New Method: ~20 minutes!
- Optimizations can be found at all layers
- Objects may not always be what they seem
If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck
Copy of pygotham
By Molly Leen
Copy of pygotham
- 772