continuous data stream
GPL/MIT/Copyleft - @molokoloco 2012 - http://b2bweb.fr
1) I want a continuous animation
2) Data came from asynchronous ajax call
For example...
Imagine an animation that need a new tweet
each 10 seconds, indefinitely
Data emitter
I need to create a function that will give a new tweet each time we call it...
> At the first call, ajax will be pending, so nothing to give back ?
jQuery : The Deferred object
"Introduced in version 1.5,
is a chainable utility object
that can register multiple callbacks
into callback queues, invoke callback queues,
and relay the success or failure state
of any synchronous or asynchronous function."
Ok let's go with our data EMITTER...
jQuery.boxFx test case : Stream Twitter w/ JSONP
- Simple : http://jsfiddle.net/molokoloco/Ebc27/
(More infos ?)
Give back a promise !
"I will do the job ! yes sir"
Each call to the data function will give back a "promise"
return dfd.promise(); // Give back the promise to do the job
The "animate" function will have to take care
of the asynchronous data...
of the asynchronous data...
$.when(options.dataStream($this)) .done(function($this_, data) { /* OK... animate !!! */ });
The trick is not to forgot your context... : "this"
Resolve your data
When result became available, data function
will give it back...
for (var i in reqQueue) { // Resolve awaiting result(s)
reqQueue[i]['dfd'].resolve(reqQueue[i]['context'], twitsObj[i]);
>>> have to resolve all "promise"... ! Tricky ?
Dequeuing pending requests with associates contexts
The good part
It was a little pain to write the template..
But now, with this code :
But now, with this code :
1) It's very easy to change, extend, the data provider function
2) The animation is completly agnostic to data api (unless you ask for 5000 tweets in 200ms)
2) The animation is completly agnostic to data api (unless you ask for 5000 tweets in 200ms)
ANY questions ?
Thanks !
jQuery continuous data stream
By Julien G
jQuery continuous data stream
- 3,861