Introducing Mopp
We Connect Awesome Cleaners to Customers Across the UK.
About Mopp
Mopp connects awesome home
cleaners like you to customers
across the UK.
Our dedicated team is based in London.
We are always here to help and can be
contacted by -
Phone: 020 3026 0860
The Basics
- Earn £8 an hour.
- Regular bookings at the same time and location every week.
- Work when you want with a flexible schedule.
- Jobs are available Monday - Sunday, 8am-7pm.
- Get jobs in the areas you choose.
- Lots of new jobs available daily.
- Great support from the Mopp Cleaner Manager.
Fast-track promotions & incentives for the best cleaners.
Mopp Cleaner Managers
There are now 3 dedicated ways to contact a Cleaner Manager:
Phone: 020 3026 0860
LiveChat: Instant chat in bottom right of your screen (in the Mopp Platform).
Anything to do with payment:
Cleaner Pay:
Being Self Employed
All Mopp cleaners are self-employed which means you're responsible for paying your own taxes and NI.
Simply visit or call 08459 154 515 to register and for more information.
HMRC Newly Self-Employed Helpline: 0300 200 3504
Security Check
We security check all our cleaners using a 3rd party security provider called Onfido. We carry out this check on behalf of our customers to offer them complete peace of mind.
This report includes -
- Identity check
- Right to work in the UK
- Adverse history report
Onfido will contact you directly asking you for some basic information so please look out for the email.
Security Check Cost
- It is very important that you comply with Onfido. You will not work with Mopp if you do not complete this.
The security check, public liability insurance and your uniform costs £20.
- £4 will be deducted from your 1st 5 cleans to cover this cost (£20 fee).
- We can supply you with the Security Check Report to use in the future.
Your First Cleans
- As a new cleaner with Mopp, your first 3 cleans are closely monitored.
- We are looking for a consistent high standard of at least 8 out of 10 rating.
- These will be with customers in your local area and you are paid.
- We will speak to every customer for their feedback on how well you did.
- This is your chance to show us how good you are!
Customer Feedback
- We ask all our customers to give feedback on the following
- Did the cleaner arrive on time?
- Were they wearing a Mopp t-shirt?
- Rate their overall cleaning ability (scale of 1 to 10)
Mopp Rules
Running late: You MUST let us know if you are running late, at least 15 mins before the scheduled time. This is so we can notify the customer. If you attend a booking late and fail to inform us we will apply a Penalty Point.
No shows: You must give Mopp 48 hours notice if you cannot attend a booking.
A £5 fee will be charged if you cancel an appointment the day-of or the day-before the job or if you do not show up to an appointment.
Mopp Rules
Weekly or fortnightly customers: If you accept a regular booking then you must be able to attend the booking at the same time every week or fortnight. This is your responsibility.
Cleaning Products: If you arrive to your clean without cleaning products as stated on the platform and in the confirmation email, we will apply a Penalty Point.
Finishing early: NEVER leave a home early, you are paid for those hours and you must fulfil that time. There is always something to clean or tidy.
Mopp Rules
Holidays and Leaving Mopp: If you want to be taken off the Mopp platform then we'd like to have at least 2 weeks notice. Similar approach to Holidays we need 2 weeks notice. This gives us time to introduce a new cleaner to all your customers or to arrange cover.
Offering your services privately: If we discover that you've offered to work for our customers directly (outside the Mopp Platform), you will be removed from the platform and end all ties with Mopp immediately.
Mopp Rules
It should be expected that customers can request:
- Oven cleaning
- Freezer defrosting
- Inside fridge cleaning
- Ironing & laundry
Breaks (including smoking): should not be taken.
- However, it is acceptable to take a 10-15 minute break for jobs 5 hours and over.
- You must add this time onto the end of your booking if you choose to take a break and inform the customer.
Mopp Rules
Keys: Are an arrangement between you and the customer. Mopp is not liable for this. So in an event such as going on holiday or leaving Mopp you are responsible for returning the keys back to the customer.
Mopp Rules
You are responsible for property damage during Mopp cleans.
If you have questions, please contact
Please follow these simple rules. If you repeatedly fail to follow them then you will be removed from the platform and all jobs will be allocated to another cleaner.
Journey Planning & Time Keeping
It is really important to make sure you arrive at your customers home on time!
One way to make sure of this is to plan your journeys before hand. Using sites such as https: // (Google Maps) and (TFL) are great ways of doing this.
We advise that you plan your route at-least 24hrs before attending your clean.
Penalty points are given out to cleaners who always run late. It is your responsibility to make sure you get to the customers home on time!
Booking Jobs
We have a dedicated online cleaner booking platform which enables you to plan your schedule and select jobs in your local area.
We strongly recommend that you have easy internet access and are comfortable using email. You will also need to be able to plan your journeys in advance, ahead of your bookings.
You will receive your login and password to access the Mopp Platform.
How to Start&End your Clean
Mopp T-shirt must be worn. Enter the home and say: “Hello My name is ……….. and I am your Mopp Cleaner today. Lovely to meet you.” (Smiley) then plan your clean either with the customer or yourself.
Planning your clean: depending on the cleanliness of the house judge how long you will be in each room. This is also your opportunity to inform Mopp if the job is too great to finish in time. However, try and put a positive spin on this e.g. I don’t think I can finish this job in two hours but I will try my hardest to do so.
Your Clean
Delayed Arrival: Before you arrive. You have planned your journey getting there with Google maps etc. If you are ever late relax before you enter, smile and apologise: “Hello sorry I am late my names is ……….. and I am your Mopp Cleaner today. I will add the extra time towards the end of the clean.”
At the end of a clean if the customer is still in ask them to go around the property with you to make sure they are happy with the job you have done. Finally, as you are getting your coat always wish them a good day and say good bye (always smile). “Thank you for using Mopp. Have a lovely day and see you next week.”
Mopp’s 5 Finishing Touches
Always allow 10 minutes at the end or during your clean for this.
1. Fluff pillows
2. Make beds correctly (smoothing out the surfaces)
3. Face front all products in the fridge, cupboards in kitchen
4. Face front all products and clean down with a semi-wet cloth so to remove excess toothpaste and shaving gel on the bottle in bathroom. Arrange toothbrushes and paste neatly (symmetry like in a shop)
5. Finally toilet paper fold (see diagram).
What to Clean
Your customer may request you to do certain tasks and concentrate on specific areas of their choosing. If they make these requests then your must follow their instructions.
If they are wanting a general clean then please follow this task list. Start with the kitchen before moving onto the bathrooms, general areas and bedrooms.
- Dust and wipe all surfaces including skirting boards. Move objects with care and clean under them. Simply cleaning around objects is not acceptable.
- Clean the sink so it sparkles and wash all dishes.
- Clean the microwave removing any food stains.
- Polish any stainless steel using the correct product.
- Remove all rubbish from bins and recycle where possible.
- Deep clean all kitchen and oven tops and knobs.
- Wipe outside of the fridge.
Dust and wipe all surfaces including skirting boards. Move objects with care and clean under them. Simply cleaning around them is not acceptable.
Clean mirrors and fixtures taking care to remove smudge marks.
Wipe and polish showers and baths so they sparkle removing any lime-scale.
Wipe the sink removing any toothpaste, hair and lime-scale.
Vacuum or mop all floors.
Remove rubbish from all bins and recycle where possible.
Bedrooms & General Areas
- Dust and wipe all surfaces including skirting boards. Move objects with care and clean under them. Simply cleaning around them is not acceptable.
- Clean mirrors and fixtures taking care to remove smudge marks.
- Vacuum or mop all floors. Remove rubbish from all bins and recycle where possible.
- Make the bed and change the sheets if fresh sheets are left on the bed.
- Remove any dust and wipe chairs, bedside tables and dressers. Clean inside of windows removing any marks.
Cleaning Supplies
What to take to a clean if customer wants cleaning products:
Kitchen Cleaner, Bathroom Cleaner, Laminate & Wood Cleaner, Windows & Glass Cleaner, Furniture Spray, Oven Clean, Non-Abrasive Cream, Bleach, Toilet Disinfectant, Sponge, Cleaners, Steel Scourers, Multi-purpose 4 in 1 Cleaner, Cloths for windows, floor and furniture, Super Absorbent Cloths, Products against Limescale, 2 sets of Gloves.
Customers should provide vacuum, broom, mop and bucket.
Sample of the Mopp Platform

- If the customer requests cleaning supplies, you are paid an extra £3 for 2-3hrs or £5 for 4hrs plus.
Auto Assign
- When you are a new cleaner with us and have access to the Mopp Platform, jobs are not always automatically assigned to you when you have picked that booking. So please check for a confirmation email or text from Mopp to confirm the booking is yours.
After your 10th clean (with consistent minimum 8 out of 10 rating) we will reward you with Auto Assign, which means the jobs you select on the platform are yours straight away!
- However, if you do not abide by the Mopp Rules this will be taken away from you.
Email & Text Confirmation
Once you have chosen a job on the Cleaner Platform, you will receive an Email and an occasional Text Message confirming the details of the clean.
Your Future Jobs
You can view jobs coming up here:
Confirm Jobs
You can view jobs you have done here:
Getting Paid
- Money is paid directly into your bank account 7 days after you complete the booking.

Refer A Friend
You will receive £10 if you refer a friend to Mopp and they successfully complete the interview process and 3 trial cleans.
Happy Cleaning
Thank you for reading this presentation!
We look forward to working closely with you and connecting you to lots of happy customers in your local area!
The Mopp Team
Introducing Mopp We Connect Awesome Cleaners to Customers Across the UK.