Introduction to Blender

Form 3 - Computer


Floor 4 - Computer Room

Mr. Peter




Blender Animation - Timeline and Key frame


Blender Animation - Ex13_1


Blender Animation - Ex13_2


Blender Animation - Ex13_3


Blender Animation - Tutorial

The first part is the Blender animation tutorial before exercises

Blender Animation - Timeline and Key frame

2. Animation Timeline

1. Select the object that need to be animated.

Blender Animation - Timeline and Key frame

Press i key to popup the menu, which can add keyframe using the current state of the object.

Blender Animation - Timeline and Key frame

Keyframe will be represented in the Timeline section.

Blender Animation - Timeline and Key frame

Another way to add keyframe in the timeline

Enable this button, which can add keyframe automatically after the state of the selected object is changed.

Blender Animation - Timeline and Key frame

Press N key to popup the menu for defining transformation properties

Blender Animation - Timeline and Key frame

One keyframe represents one state of the object.

Set another keyframe with totally different state of the object in the 20 frame.



Defining two keyframes can animate an object, since both keyframes represents two state of the object. The computer will create a transition between two states automatically.


Normally, 24 frames in a video represents one second.


Set another keyframe with totally different state of the object in the 20 frame.


Set another keyframe with totally different state of the object in the 20 frame.


Blender Animation - Ex13_1

Ex13_1 - Create your first animation in Blender

Blender Animation - Ex13_1

Set the first keyframe at the frame 1.

Set the state of the cube in the first keyframe

Set the state of the cube in the second keyframe

Set the second keyframe at the frame 24.

Define the final keyframe


Select the first keyframe


Press Shift + D keys to duplicate it and move it to frame 48.

Press Space key to play the animation. Save and submit your file.

Blender Animation - Ex13_1

Blender Animation - Ex13_2

Ex13_2 - Animation

Bottom Cube:

Set the cube as the following state at the frame 0.

Set the cube as the following state at the frame 240.

Blender Animation - Ex13_2

Upper Cube:

Set another cube as the following state at the frame 0.

Set another cube as the following state at the frame 240.

Blender Animation - Ex13_2

Press Space key to play the animation. Save your file called "99_Peter_Ex13_2.blend"

Blender Animation - Ex13_2

Blender Animation - Ex13_3

Ex13_3 - Animation

Before creating the animation, we need to create the scene first.

1. Add plane for the ground.

2. Add the cube.

3. Copy or add light bulb for lighting the scene.

Blender Animation - Ex13_3

There are 6 keyframes for this animation, they are at frame 1, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120.

Blender Animation - Ex13_3

Set the cube as the following state at the frame 1.

Set the cube as the following state at the frame 24.

Blender Animation - Ex13_3

Set the cube as the following state at the frame 48.

Set the cube as the following state at the frame 72.

Blender Animation - Ex13_3

Set the cube as the following state at the frame 96.

Set the cube as the following state at the frame 120.

After set the six keyframes, you may try to play the animation to check whether it works or not.

Blender Animation - Ex13_3

Color animation

Select a keyframe in animation timeline

Change the color of the cube in material



Enable the color animation by pressing the button


Repeat above steps for every keyframes and choose different color at different keyframe.


Blender Animation - Ex13_3

Press Space key to play the animation. Save your file called "99_Peter_Ex13_3.blend"

Blender Animation - Ex13_3

End :)

F3 - Introduction to Blender

By Mr Peter

F3 - Introduction to Blender

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