Is Terraform worth the hype?
26 April 2017
Stoyan Stoyanov
Michael Munsch
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- 122M Visits per Month and growing
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- ~60 ppl, 5 Teams
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- Every team has its own AWS Account
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- Owns ~30 services
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AWS Setup a year ago
How the infrastructure code evolved
- From AWS CloudFormation to HashiCorp Terraform
- Plan
- No more glue code for sharing resource ids
- Basic templating
- A lot of build-in functions
- Written in Go and open source
variable "aws_region" {
default = "eu-central-1"
provider "aws" {
region = "${var.aws_region}"
data "terraform_remote_state" "vpc" {
backend = "s3"
config {
bucket = "tf-foobar-production"
key = "vpc/terraform.tfstate"
region = "eu-central-1"
resource "aws_security_group" "clair_allow_outbound" {
description = "Allow all outbound"
vpc_id = "${data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.vpc_id}"
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "allow_all" {
type = "egress"
from_port = 0
to_port = 65535
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = [""]
security_group_id = "${}"
output "clair_sg_outbound" {
value = "${}"
- read docs, code, fmt, plan, apply, (destroy)
- read docs, code, fmt, plan, push to git, ci plan, ci apply
The State
- Snapshot of the infrastructure
- Can be local or remote with different backends
- S3, consul, etcd ..
- Can be encrypted depending on backend
- Locking is also possible depending on backend
"version": 3,
"terraform_version": "0.9.2"
"aws_security_group_rule.allow_all": {
"depends_on": [
"deposed": [],
"primary": {
"attributes": {
"cidr_blocks.#": "1",
"cidr_blocks.0": "",
"from_port": "0",
"id": "sgrule-1926861517",
"prefix_list_ids.#": "0",
"protocol": "tcp",
"security_group_id": "sg-e16e938a",
"self": "false",
"to_port": "65535",
"type": "egress"
"id": "sgrule-1926861517",
"meta": {
"schema_version": "2"
"tainted": false
"provider": "",
"type": "aws_security_group_rule"
Demo 1
- Go binary in a scratch Docker image ~ 2 mb
- ECS Cluster with 2 nodes
- Autoscaling, ALB, SGs, IAM
The State
- It was the main advantage over AWS CloudFormation
- No more aws cloudformation describe-stacks
- Outputs can be shared between "stacks" via remote states
Fighting complexity
- Use modules as abstractions
- Centralized applying
- Plan the core infrastructure every hour
- Wrapper script for the order of the plans and applies of core components
- Hosted Zones, VPCs, Subnets, ECS clusters
- The whole teams should own the infrastructure code
- Sharing code between teams
- Sources from relative path, github, S3, bitbucket ..
- Examples:
- private_nets, public_nets, ecs, ecs_app ..
- grafana, chef_server, clair, consul ..
- Versioning is really important !
Advanced TF
Integrating Configuration Management
- Complexity is skyrocketing (AWS, Chef, Ruby, TF)
- Makes sense for databases and really complex configurations
- Why not using just user data?
- Plugins
Demo 2
- Very frequent tf updates
- Forgetting to pull the remote state
- Not exporting module outputs twice (newbie mistake #1)
- Plan != Test
Make small changes and integrate them immediately
- "game over" without CI
- Create some kind of conventions
- Inputs, outputs, remote states in different files
- Don't use deep hierarchies !
- Stable software is always versioned
- Modules
- States
- If for some reason there is no tf resource for the job
- plugin
- local-exec + awscli
- Test creating your whole infrastructure every day in different region
- Best tool for the job if you are using AWS
- Production-ready
- Smooth learning curve
- Saves us a lot of time
- Makes infrastructure management a solved problem
Is it worth the hype?
btw we are hiring :)
Is Terraform worth the hype?
By Stoyan Stoyanov
Is Terraform worth the hype?
- 1,777